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Icons play, fun, entertainment notebook, learning mouselearn, ideasfile, papershare, concepts share, speech bubble thought bubble search, learning coffee,

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Presentation on theme: "Icons play, fun, entertainment notebook, learning mouselearn, ideasfile, papershare, concepts share, speech bubble thought bubble search, learning coffee,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Icons play, fun, entertainment notebook, learning mouselearn, ideasfile, papershare, concepts share, speech bubble thought bubble search, learning coffee, work, office computer monitor luggage, travel badge, registration global, locationthe cloudairplane, travel this way, look here twitterdecorative arrowthis way, arrowBirds of a feather finance, calculator this way, arrowhands-on labsthis way, connect 收集整理

2 Icons Reversed play, fun, entertainment notebook, learning mouselearn, ideasfile, papershare, concepts share, speech bubble thought bubble search, learning coffee, work, office computer monitor luggage, travel badge, registration global, locationthe cloudairplane, travel twitterdecorative arrowthis way, arrowBirds of a feather finance, calculator this way, arrowhands-on labsthis way, connect this way, look here

3 Asap asynchronicity

4 application building blocks

5 cloud data services

6 Common Scenarios Public Cloud

7 application building blocks

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