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2014 Regional Benefits Consultation Robert W. Maggs Jr. President and Chief Executive.

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Presentation on theme: "2014 Regional Benefits Consultation Robert W. Maggs Jr. President and Chief Executive."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014 Regional Benefits Consultation Robert W. Maggs Jr. President and Chief Executive

2 Focus on the Changing Church … Still Welcome 2

3 The Board of Pensions Honoring the Past,Serving in the Present,Dedicated to the Future

4 Caring for those who serve the Church Success depends on Design of Benefits Plan and Assistance Programs Personalized service to our members Maintaining financial strength Overall Mission

5 Highly qualified workforce Professional advisers Up-to-date technical tools Collegial and family-friendly workplace Requirements

6 Exclusive benefit of our members Attention to employing organizations paying for Benefits Plan Plan affordability Rapidly changing environment Options, Actions, and Decisions

7 Legal and regulatory strictures Declining revenues Increased operating costs Changing social and political norms Instant communications Geo-political events Volatile financial markets Driving Change

8 Determining effects of Affordable Care Act Providing consultative services Ensuring sufficient financial reserves Building mutual understanding of emerging complexities Considerations for the Future

9 Frank Spencer, President-Elect Experienced CEO of for-profit and not-for-profit organizations Strong Presbyterian heritage Ordination as a teaching elder Former Director on our Board Leadership Change To be presented to the 221st GA (2014) for confirmation

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