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Market-Based Accountability System What is it?. Background A Nation at Risk (1983) brought awareness to the importance of a good education system 1990s-

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Presentation on theme: "Market-Based Accountability System What is it?. Background A Nation at Risk (1983) brought awareness to the importance of a good education system 1990s-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Market-Based Accountability System What is it?

2 Background A Nation at Risk (1983) brought awareness to the importance of a good education system 1990s- A shift to a market-based accountability system No Child Left Behind- Formal shift to a national market-based accountability system.

3 Research Findings "GAMING" Special education placement increase Retention Coaching and Cheating Philadelphia Inquirer (2011)

4 Research Findings Impact of Pressure Dropout Rates Achievement Gaps Help or Hurt Students?

5 Research Findings Narrowing Curriculum and Content Teaching to the test Emphasis on Reading, Writing, and Math Students fall behind in other subjects

6 Research Findings Student Performance vs. Tests Varied Performance Even positive results had negative feedback

7 Conclusion Research Findings Money incentives hurt students Even positive research doesn't deny consequences Narrowing of content

8 Implications Educational Change Curriculum Change/Development Approach

9 Implications Organizational Change Reorganization of skill-based approach Focus on higher order skills to teach same basic skills we already teach

10 Further Conclusion- What is Missing? Loopholes Pre 1990s studies Other countries?

11 Action-Research Proposal Question/Problem statement Data Collection Tools for Capturing Information/Questioning Analysis/Plan for change

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