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1 Work package #3: EU-SEA- Regional Networks in Innovation and Research Patt Suntharasaj, Ph.D. NSTDA Christoph Elibeau DLR Half-Time Meeting 2015 October.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Work package #3: EU-SEA- Regional Networks in Innovation and Research Patt Suntharasaj, Ph.D. NSTDA Christoph Elibeau DLR Half-Time Meeting 2015 October."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Work package #3: EU-SEA- Regional Networks in Innovation and Research Patt Suntharasaj, Ph.D. NSTDA Christoph Elibeau DLR Half-Time Meeting 2015 October 16, 2015 Hanoi, Vietnam SEA-EU-NET II WP 3: EU-SEA- Regional Networks in Innovation and Research This WP is jointly led by EUResearch and NSTDA

2 2 Work package #3: EU-SEA- Regional Networks in Innovation and Research Task 3.1: Networking of SEA National Contact Points  Task Leader TUBITAK (Turkey) NSTDA (Thailand)  Main contributors EURESEARCH (Switzerland) RISTEK (Indonesia) SIRIM (Malaysia) MOST (Laos)

3 3 Work package #3: EU-SEA- Regional Networks in Innovation and Research Task 3.1: Networking of SEA National Contact Points Activities 2015  Presentations of the 4 Challenges in Health, Food, Environment,  and ICT at the STI Days in Paris 2015  Organized the “Meet your NCP” at the STI Days  Contacted all SEA NCPs in Health, Environment and Food for participation In Thematic Info Day.  NEW – Additional Activity - One participation from NCP Thailand, Dr Nares Damrongchai, joined the Health Info Day (covered by SEA-EU Net Euresearch Budget). - Registration organised by Euresearch - One participation, Dr. Anil Kumar from AIT, to joint the Food Info Day - No other interest from SEA-NCP

4 4 Work package #3: EU-SEA- Regional Networks in Innovation and Research Task 3.1: Networking of SEA National Contact Points Plans for 2016  NCP Training at STI Days in Vietnam  Present the Open Topics of interest at the next STI Days  Possible Brokerage event

5 5 Work package #3: EU-SEA- Regional Networks in Innovation and Research Task 3.1: Concept of NCP Training STI Days 2016 in Vietnam  Number of slots needed : 2 slots, 4 hours, morning or afternoon  Type of Activity: Training  Target Audience: NCPs from ASEAN  Description Training on invitation for National Contact Points (NCP). Learn more about the basic services a NCP should offer. Receive information from experienced NCPs regarding most used services and tools. Exchange information with other NCPs in a questions and answers session.  Targeted speakers and panelists: Gerhard Gass, Véronique Sordet, Euresearch Experienced NCP  Main Contact:,

6 6 Work package #3: EU-SEA- Regional Networks in Innovation and Research Task 3.1: Concept of Brokerage event STI Days 2016 in Vietnam  Number of slots needed 2 slots, 4 hours, morning or afternoon  Type Activity: Brokerage event, face2face meetings  Target Audience: Researchers from ASEAN and EU  Title of the workshop : Face2Face Meetings. Objectives: Partnering for selected topics of Horizon 2020 calls 2017 and 2018 Partnering for Innovation&Technologies ( offers and requests) Face2Face meetings ASEAN NCP’s / EU Researchers  Description The aim is to facilitate and accelerate innovation and initiating research projects (such as Horizon 2020, calls 2017 and 2018) by meeting potential cooperation partners in face-to-face meetings. Participants will meet for pre- arranged bilateral meetings; 20 minutes are usually enough to build a first connection, then the bell rings and, after a 5 minutes break, the next meeting starts.

7 7 Work package #3: EU-SEA- Regional Networks in Innovation and Research Task 3.2: Expanding the EEN and linking Innovation actors  Task Leader EURESEARCH (Switzerland) NSTDA (Thailand)  Main contributors BHC (Singapore) NASATI (Vietnam) SIRIM ( Malaysia)

8 8 Work package #3: EU-SEA- Regional Networks in Innovation and Research Task 3.2: Expanding the EEN and linking Innovation actors Activities 2014/15  Assessment of NSTDA to become Thailand on EEN BCC. Result: Nature SMEs in Thailand very different from those in Europe; reporting requirements seen to be excessive  Indonesia: EEN contact point identified (EU-Indonesia Business Network EIBN.  Disposal of a regional support for potential BCC applicants (Deltatech South Korea) Deliverables D3.2.1 Proposal(s) from SEA countries to join the Enterprise Europe Network D3.2.2 Progress report on the EEN implementation as prepared for EUCOM DG Enterprise

9 9 Work package #3: EU-SEA- Regional Networks in Innovation and Research Task 3.2: Expanding the EEN and linking Innovation actors Plans 2016  Promote and distribute BCC call info 2016 (call expected from EASME beginning 2016)  Reactivate contact with potential BCC’s (Indonesia, Thailand)  Invite an active EEN BCC to run an infodesk (both) at the STI days in Vietnam

10 10 Work package #3: EU-SEA- Regional Networks in Innovation and Research Task 3.4: Setting up and engaging with EU-SEA Alumni networks  Task Leader NASATI (Vietnam)  Main contributors NSTDA (Thailand) CNRS (France) DLR(Germany) MOST (Laos) NTU (Singapore) RISTEK (Indonesia) SIRIM (Malaysia)

11 11 Work package #3: EU-SEA- Regional Networks in Innovation and Research Task 3.4:Setting up and engaging with EU-SEA Alumni networks  3 rd Alumni Workshop being organised in Bangkok, Oct 19-20, 2015 in cooperation with EURAXESS Links ASEAN and DG Education and Culture  40 participants including the 12 Marie Curie Fellows and representatives Of 14 European alumni associations from across Southeast Asia Objectives:  To share best practices in building European alumni networks To explore how European alumni groups in Southeast Asian can jointly support researcher  mobility and research cooperation between Europe and Southeast Asia  To strengthen the network of Marie Curie Fellows in the region

12 12 Work package #3: EU-SEA- Regional Networks in Innovation and Research Task 3.4: Setting up and engaging with SEA-EU Alumni networks - Plan for 2016  4 th Alumni workshop during the STI Days in Hanoi coupled with a funding and fellowships opportunities event to be organized by EURAXESS Links ASEAN  Alumni can play a mentoring role in helping young researchers be successful with their proposals  2-3 senior alumni to participate and be visible in the opening event of the STI Days

13 13 Work package #3: EU-SEA- Regional Networks in Innovation and Research Task 3.5 The International European Research Council Starting Grant Support Scheme (1) There might be a high and unused potential in Southeast Asia for the ERC

14 14 Work package #3: EU-SEA- Regional Networks in Innovation and Research Number of applicants from Southeast Asia low – why?  Researchers tend to get their education more in North America, Japan, Korea and China  Stronger tendencies to work with partners that are geographically closer  High incentives to work with other countries  ERC schemes are relatively new  No host institution in Europe at hand? How to find the best researchers in the region and motivate them? Fellowship to support interested researchers to prepare a proposal (new task, implemented by NSTDA/Thailand and DLR/Germany) 14 Task 3.5 The International European Research Council Starting Grant Support Scheme (2)

15 15 Work package #3: EU-SEA- Regional Networks in Innovation and Research 15 Eligibility criteria: 2-7 years after PhD, home institution in Southeast Asia, ASEAN citizen Basic guidelines:  All thematic areas  Support letter from potential host institution(s) in Europe  Three-pager on the research and its impact plus attachments and CV Offer services:  2 weeks visit, ~4.000€  Common information meeting in Brussels  Organization of the trip by SEA-EU-NET  Direct cost coverage (important for researchers from poorer countries)  Per diems (important for researchers from poorer countries)  Flexibility – ( e.g. bring your partner, chose the date, extend your stay) Task 3.5 The International European Research Council Starting Grant Support Scheme (3)

16 16 Work package #3: EU-SEA- Regional Networks in Innovation and Research 16  How to attract only the most promising candidates?  No public advertisement of the fellowship but:  Identifying promising candidates beforehand and personal invitations  Distributing the call only to the central offices of institutions Outcome:  ~ 100 inquiries  only 15 applications (8 SGP, 3 MYS, 2THA, 1 PHP, 1 IDN) All interested persons had also been informed on other fellowship measures of the Horizon 2020 like the MSCA! Task 3.5 The International European Research Council Starting Grant Support Scheme (4)

17 17 Work package #3: EU-SEA- Regional Networks in Innovation and Research 17 Evaluation only by objective criteria:  No. of publications  First authorships  H-index, impact factors etc Close cooperation with German NCP ERC Four evaluators per proposal (from the project and NCP) Selection of 11 grantees (5 SGP, 3 MYS, 1 THA, 1 PHP, 1 IDN) Obligations from accepting the grant: Submission of an ERC Starting Grant proposal on 2 Feb 2015 or Elaborate report on why not (precious information for program managers!) Even if a grantee has not been able to submit a proposal, they still can serve as a contact point to us in their home institution and act as a valuable multiplicator in the country Task 3.5 The International European Research Council Starting Grant Support Scheme (5)

18 18 Work package #3: EU-SEA- Regional Networks in Innovation and Research 18 Evaluation – what is success? SEA-EU-NET project perspective:  The call for proposals has already been a success as it created awareness on a relevant level in the Southeast Asian research administration  Other measures had been advertised, new contacts have been established  Possible ERA advocats in the region have been identified and won  Even if someone won’t submit a proposal, we’ll gain insight in the reasons Success for SEA-EU-NET doesn’t mean necessarily successful Starting Grant applications but the effective promotion of the ERA in general:  the number of proposals from Southeast Asia should increase  successful grant applications Task 3.5 The International European Research Council Starting Grant Support Scheme (6)

19 19 Work package #3: EU-SEA- Regional Networks in Innovation and Research “I had been visiting two Universities in Europe, namely Aalto University, Finland and Aston University, UK. Both universities highly encourage for ERC starting grant application with their university. In fact, Aalto University had also rumoured of offering me an academic position if my application is successful.” “The scheme is definitely a good one to provide the opportunity for people from outside of Europe to visit and work out the details of the research proposal with their chosen host institution. Apart from the dates which ought to be earlier, one other area to improve is the dissemination of information on this scheme.” Task 3.5 The International European Research Council Starting Grant Support Scheme- impressions

20 20 Work package #3: EU-SEA- Regional Networks in Innovation and Research Thank you for your attention

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