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Reading for College Success Module Two

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1 Reading for College Success Module Two
2.04-Note Taking (1o questions-MC) 2.05-Note-Taking Styles (teacher graded) 2.06-Test (21 questions-MC) 2.07-Free Choice Blog (250 word post in your blog)

2 Reading for College Success Module Two
2.05-Note-Taking Styles (teacher graded) 2.06-Exam (21 questions-MC) 2.07-Free Choice Blog (250 word post in your blog) 3.01-Organizational Patterns (1o questions-MC)

3 Reminders Please submit the 1.04 DBA if it is still on your list. You need to type 11/2 in the box. The zeroes went in for 2.02, 2.03 and the collaboration. You need to access them through the gradebook to make them up. Even if you handed in 2.02, you may have a “1” if you didn’t tell me who you worked with. Please add your partner’s name in the comments box and resubmit it today! Module 2 closes THIS Friday and the collaboration will all close on this day. Work will not be accepted after this date. There are no exceptions even if you are absent this week. As soon as you get to class, log in and check your . Then pick up where you left off the previous day. YOU AND YOUR PARTNER need to send me the collaboration assessment with the guide attached if you haven’t done so already. The collaboration assignment is the 3rd to last one on your list. YOU AND YOUR PARTNER also need to attach your ad to 2.02 and type each other’s name in the box if you haven’t done so.

4 *How is this list structured?
2.04-Why do we take notes? to remember the lesson our teacher presented in class to remember the most important points that we read in a textbook to perform better at work to help keep ourselves organized in our personal lives (planning a party, buying a car, making important decisions) to help us remember important events *How is this list structured?

5 2.04-How should you takes notes?
Use shorthand Use symbols and abbreviations for words and phrases. (Where do you already do this?) Write words without vowels to save time. Stay organized. Your notes should be in a logical order. Use the main idea to help you remember the most important details.

6 2.04-Let’s Practice Your teacher tells you that you can bring a 3x5 index card to the final tomorrow. You are allowed to write as much information as you can on the front and back. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What note do you write to yourself? Where do you write it?

7 2.04 Worksheet 2.04 is just 10 multiple choice questions. You don’t need to click submit to save your work. You simply log off. You can reset this one yourself and you get 3 tries. It covers note-taking styles and main idea.

8 2.05-Note-Taking Styles Lists (alphabetical, chronological, order of importance, spatial) (slide 4) Outlines (slide 5) Thought Bubbles and Webs (slide 6) Three-Column Notes (slide 7) Double Entry Journal (slide 8)

9 2.05-Note-Taking Styles Lists
Alphabetical-ABC order Chronological-in time order (from oldest to most recent) Order of Importance (from most to least OR least to most) Spatial-location Let’s Practice Match the style of notes above to one of the choices below: A. grocery store list B. notes in a history book C. notes on a fiction book D. seating chart

10 2.05 Note-Taking Styles Outlines
The Bet I. Lesson 2.01, slide 8 A. The Banker (Host) 1. believes in capital punishment (death penalty) 2. would rather die instantly than die in prison 3. is rich B. The Lawyer (Prisoner) 1. believes in life-imprisonment 2. thinks it is better to life in jail than to not live at all 3. is intelligent

11 Help for 2.02 Use Web 2.0 Tools to create an ad
for an imaginary product. The ad must use “helpful hints” in advertising. -Lists (like this one) -Bold, italics, and items that stand out -Key words and phrases -Headings -Footnotes -And anything else that stands out! Submit ORIGINAL created ad and list the Web 2.0 tool used Make use of different sized fonts and colors in order to draw the buyer’s attention to what is important or away from the things a company may NOT want to emphasize.

12 2.05 Common Mistakes The next part of The Bet is located on the last slide of the 2.05 lesson in the flash version. It includes what we read in class last week and a few more paragraphs. Please include the notes from last week. Please include what the lawyer is allowed/not allowed to do while in jail and where this mock jail is located. Please include when the bet ends and what happens if he leaves early. This is not the end of the story. We will find out the ending in module 5. We don’t know who won yet. DO NOT copy and paste from the passage. Paraphrase the story in your own words. Type the style of notes that you chose in the comments box and place your notes below that.

13 2.06 Preparing for the exam The exam is just 21 multiple choice questions. Once you enter it, you MUST finish it in ONE sitting. If you leave it and try to come back, you will get locked out and will not be able to enter the exam again. You can pick the day that you will take it in class. Please be respectful to other students who might be testing on a day that you are not. Do not cause disruptions. It can only be taken once. It can not be reset if you fail or don’t like your grade. DO NOT leave any questions blank. Before you take the exam, be sure to revise anything in module 2 that you feel you can do better on. You will access the exam through “assessments”. Look over your 2.01 and 2.04 worksheets before entering the tests. Be sure to revise these if you did not pass them. You can reset them yourself. The 4 passages on the test repeat so read the passage in question 1 and then answer all the questions that go with that passage. Don’t forgot to use the notes that you have taken in class!

14 2.07 Free Choice Blog Please use correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. Remember that will notify me if you are copying work from another blog off of the Internet. Please write your own post. You are blogging about a chapter that you read in your book. What to post 1. Post a summary of the entire chapter. 2. Also provide your personal reaction. 3. Lastly include what style of notes (lists, outlines, thought bubbles, webs, etc.) would be best if you were to take notes on this chapter. Also say why you chose that style. You DO NOT need to include your actual notes though! Your post should be 250 words. Do a word count in Edublogs.

15 2.07 Free Choice Blog Directions
How to Log on to and click “write a new blog post” at the top. Type 2.07 for your title and type your summary, reaction, and notes style in the box. Then click publish. Give me the SAME link that you gave me for Type this link in the student comments box and not in a Word doc.

16 This Week I will not be available on Tuesday due to a BVS meeting. I will reply to your s in the afternoon. There is no school on Wednesday.

17 1st-3.29 (1 F) 2nd-3.33 (no F’s) *3rd-3.65 (no F’s)*
Battle of the Classes 1st-3.29 (1 F) 2nd-3.33 (no F’s) *3rd-3.65 (no F’s)*

18 Let’s look at some team projects for 2.02…..
2.02 Stellar Students Let’s look at some team projects for 2.02…..






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