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1 Logic model examples Purposeful program theory AEA Post workshop November 2009 Patricia Rogers For each example, consider: possible intended uses simple,

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Presentation on theme: "1 Logic model examples Purposeful program theory AEA Post workshop November 2009 Patricia Rogers For each example, consider: possible intended uses simple,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Logic model examples Purposeful program theory AEA Post workshop November 2009 Patricia Rogers For each example, consider: possible intended uses simple, complicated and complex aspects clarity of communication

2 2 Logic model examples 1.InfoLink IT summer school 2.Prejudice Reduction Workshop 3.M & E across Government 4.VERB campaign 5.Striga management 6.Energy Research and Technology Development and Deployment 7.Public schools 8.Building evaluation capacity 9.Health Scotland Tobacco programs 10.East Lothian tourism 11.National Drug Strategy

3 3 1. InfoLink Technology program for low-income youth Infolink Program Theory, University of Pittsburgh Learning Research and Development Center, Catherine Awsumb Nelson and Bill Bickel This model was developed for an intensive summer program that was intended to provide low income high school students with information technology and professional development skills, experience and confidence to improve their long-term educational and occupational attainment. The program theory was used for: · Guiding program implementation (serving as a reference point to make sure the program is staying focused on its core goals and strategies); · Highlighting key decision points (identifying divergence among program leadership as to how the program operates and serving as a basis for resolution of those differences); · Structuring evaluation (determining how and to what extent core strategies are being implemented and core goals being reached); and · Communicating to external audiences how the program works (particularly to those who may be interested in replicating the program or to potential funders).

4 4 InfoLink PARTICI- PANTS Low income high school juniors and seniors INTERVENTIONS Software courses Student support Professional development University environment Group projects Internships High school partnerships SHORT-TERM OUTCOMES Skills Knowledge Aspirations/ confidence LONG-TERM OUTCOMES Educational attainment Occupational success Community leadership/ role models Infolink Program Theory, University of Pittsburgh Learning Research and Development Center, Catherine Awsumb Nelson and Bill Bickel

5 5

6 6 3. Monitoring and evaluation across Government Planning and reviewing the impact of monitoring and evaluation of government programs The Public Service Commission’s Public Administration Monitoring and Evaluation System First Consolidated Report, Public Service Commission, Republic of South Africa. This example shows a program theory model which is being used conceptually rather than empirically, as part of a discussion about the intended impact of the South African Public Service Commission’s Monitoring and Evaluation System across the national and provincial public service – in particular the different causal paths by which it is intended to contribute to better governance and service delivery

7 7 The overall programme logic Overall result: Better governance and service delivery in South Africa Problems are addressed Achievements are affirmed and promoted Departments focus on priority areas Learning from Good practice examples takes place Problem areas identified Good practice by others is identified and promoted Priority areas in public administration Are communicated Departments reflect on their own performance Public service monitoring FOLLOW UP: REPORTING: Public Service Commission of South Africa

8 8 4. VERB campaign

9 9 5. Striga management 2.3Integrated Natural Resource Management Spanning the Attribution Gap: The Use of Program Theory to Link Project Outcomes to Ultimate Goals in Integrated Natural Resource Management and Integrated Pest Management, Boru Douthwaite and Steffen Schulz, Paper presented at the INRM Workshop, 2001, Cali, Colombia, 28-31 August 1APaperBDouthwaite.pdf This example developed a program theory for the integrated management of the agricultural weed Striga in Nigeria. Striga is a parasitic weed that attaches itself to the roots of cereals and pulses, diverting essential nutrients, leaving the host stunted and yielding little or no grain. The weed is one of the greatest obstacles to food production in Africa, infesting almost 21 million hectares of land in Africa and causing millions of dollars in crop loss each year. This example also uses Funnell’s Program Theory matrix.

10 10

11 11 6. Energy Research and Technology Development and Deployment McLaughlin, J., & Jordan, G. (1999). Logic models: A tool for telling your program's performance story. Evaluating and Program Planning, 22, 65-72

12 12 Stephen M. Millett, Susan Tave Zelman (2005) Scenario analysis and a logic model of public education in Ohio Strategy & Leadership 33, 2 : 33 - 40 Strategy & Leadership332 7. Public education

13 8. Building evaluation capacity Various activities to identify and add to existing capital and opportunities Capacity (types of capital) HumanEconomic SocialInstitutional Opportunities to deploy the capacity Better outcomes for the public Application of evaluation capacity to undertake or oversee discrete evaluations, ongoing evaluative activity or monitoring Improved programs (through improved implementation, better resource allocation, or improved selection of programs)

14 14 9. Health Scotland Tobacco programs

15 15 9. Health Scotland Tobacco programs

16 16 9. Health Scotland Tobacco programs

17 17 10. East Lothian Tourism

18 18 11. National Drug strategy McDonald et al 2007 Evaluating Major National Strategies in Human Services: Challenges and Possibilities The Case of Australia’s National Drug Strategy 2004-2009.

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