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By: Mr. Duggan.  If I ask you to stop, please stop.  I don’t care why you are doing it. It’s distracting me, please stop.  “but Mr. Duggan I was… ▪Just.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Mr. Duggan.  If I ask you to stop, please stop.  I don’t care why you are doing it. It’s distracting me, please stop.  “but Mr. Duggan I was… ▪Just."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Mr. Duggan

2  If I ask you to stop, please stop.  I don’t care why you are doing it. It’s distracting me, please stop.  “but Mr. Duggan I was… ▪Just please stop!

3  Bags on the desk.  Lining up at the door.  Touching my stuff.  Being disrespectful to others  Asking me for stuff (pencil, paper, book, extra worksheets…)

4  Scientific calculator (especially on test days.)  Pencil or pen  Strait edge. (ruler)  Book (everyday)

5  If you don’t draw pictures.  (even if it’s in the book.)  If you don’t show your work.  I will not sign off lists of answers.  Have your homework done on time.  If you are absent on a day that homework is checked, have me check the day you come back.  Otherwise its’ late, and the previous rule applies.

6  Q. Can I open the window?  a. if I wanted it open, it would be open.  Q. How much is this test worth?  a. 100 pts.  Q. How much is this out of?  a. add it up, figure it out.  Q. How long is the test?  a. 1000 questions  Q. How hard it the test?  a. Impossibly hard  Q. Did you put these in the grade book?  a. Go find out after class  Q. When did you put this in the grade book?  a. Sometime in the last 72 hours.  Q. when will these be graded?  a. when I get to it.  Q. what is my grade?  a. F  Q. Can I check my grades?  a. when you leave this room you can do whatever you want.

7  Grade fixes and grade changes will only be done before or after school. And definitely not during lunch.  If you need to make-up a test because of an absence  1) know which test you are taking EX: unit 10 quiz 3  2)Make up the test ASAP.

8  Being on you cell phone communicates the following:  What we are doing is not important  What you are saying is not important  These may be true, but while you are here please pretend that what we are doing is important

9  “but we are not doing anything”  no  “but it’s for another class”  no  “but music helps me study”  Still no  “but my mom needs to know when to pick me up”  Do it later  “Duggan I’ve got this funny picture you should see”  … ▪ Show it to me after class  “but Mr. Duggan…”  NO

10 1. Ask you to put it away 2. Take it for the class period 3. Take it for the day 4. After school detention, to get the phone back. 5. Let’s not get to this point shall we.

11  Once a week  Cannot be while I am talking  Cannot be within the first and last 10 min of class.  If you think that is dumb consider this, I can’t go during class ever. Be glad you don’t have to hold it as long as I do.

12  I have trouble spelling.  If I misspell a word, politely correct me.  I type a lot in class, if I misspell a word, I will go back and fix it, PLEASE let me finish my sentence.  If you need clarification on a word because you can’t read my handwriting raise your hand and ask.

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