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How Can I Make My Speech Memorable?. Think back to the most recent speech you attended; think back to ANY speech you have attended. What do you remember?

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Presentation on theme: "How Can I Make My Speech Memorable?. Think back to the most recent speech you attended; think back to ANY speech you have attended. What do you remember?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How Can I Make My Speech Memorable?

2 Think back to the most recent speech you attended; think back to ANY speech you have attended. What do you remember? Really, think about it; what do you remember?

3 Not much, right? It’s likely that you only remember one or two (or at most three) things the speaker talked about (and that’s if it was a good speaker)!

4 Recalling Information Read from a Textbook After 1 day 54% was remembered. After 7 days 35% was remembered. After 14 days 21% was remembered. After 21 days 18% was remembered. After 28 days 19% was remembered. After 63 days, about two months, only 17% was remembered

5 Remembering what you hear in lectures is even more difficult to recall because you are not able to slow down, pause, reflect, or to reread unless you take excellent notes! In a study on recall after listening to a seminar, students forgot more than 90% of the points from the lecture after 14 days!take excellent notes

6 The way we remember information throughout a presentation/speech

7 1. Make it Relevant Info is more readily received when it is relevant to audience experience. We retain only that information we perceive as relevant.  Vital Info—a matter of life and death  Info that meets audience needs (audience analysis)

8 2. Make it New When we think we know something already, we are less likely to pay attention.  Add to the audience’s knowledge  Provide new insights to info they already possess  New angles  New applications  New perspectives

9 3. Repeat it Information is more likely to be understood and retained when it is repeated.  Repetition—exact duplication (when exact language is important)  Restatement—duplication of ideas but not words (when the basic idea is important

10 4. Organize it Organization directs audience thinking and helps them to retain information.  Outlining principles  Transitions—connecting statements between two items of information  Internal Summaries—reviewing and/or previewing ideas at various times during your speech

11 Organizing Principles Make Only Three Main Points. It is always tempting to tell as much as you can about a subject, but this will confuse and overwhelm your audience. Keep your major points to three and your audience will find it easier to follow your speech organization

12 5. Include Emotional Impact Think back over your life and recall what stands out most vividly about the past. Chances are you remember events that had great emotional impact on your life. Accomplish this by using…  Anecdotes  Illustrations  Examples

13 Stories from Others Reference touching or humorous stories from books and movies or borrow effective snippets from historical speeches when they coincide with your subject. If you found them memorable, so will your audience. Remember to give credit to the original source.

14 6. Include Humor Information is more readily received and retained when it is presented humorously. To be effective, humor must be related to the topic. Don’t force humor if you don’t feel comfortable with it.

15 7. Make it Familiar Connect your ideas with ideas with which the audience is familiar.

16 8. Get the Audience Involved Encourage audience participation to keep the crowd involved. Have them repeat key words or finish popular phrases. Ask questions with predictable answers that can help further your point.

17 9. Make it Visual Information is more likely to be understood and retained when it is presented visually. Visual aids are effective in simplifying and emphasizing info. Visual aids hold audience interest.

18 10. Speak with Energy & Enthusiasm No one wants to listen to a speaker who seems bored with his own topic. If you don’t care about your topic, why should the audience?


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