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Project Citizen Day 3 Whole Class Model. Stinger 1. The question I was assigned last time was: 2. The answer is: 3. I found it here: 4. I brought my article?

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Presentation on theme: "Project Citizen Day 3 Whole Class Model. Stinger 1. The question I was assigned last time was: 2. The answer is: 3. I found it here: 4. I brought my article?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Citizen Day 3 Whole Class Model

2 Stinger 1. The question I was assigned last time was: 2. The answer is: 3. I found it here: 4. I brought my article? (yes/no) 5. The alternative I was working on is: 6. Three benefits of that alternative are: 7. Three drawbacks of that alternative are: 8. I think the best alternative is:

3 Sharing out of answers Each student will have one minute to discuss The answer to his or her question What else he or she discovered about the alternative in question Articles will be turned in and stored in the Binder Remaining questions will be discussed

4 Discussion of alternatives Each alternative will be discussed with a focus on the benefits and the drawbacks Example: Storage at Yucca Mountain Benefits Department of Energy and NRC say long term storage at Yucca is safe The facility is already built and ready to store waste The facility is far from human populations The facility is on land that was previously used for nuclear testing Drawbacks Transporting waste to the facility might be dangerous The community nearest is highly opposed The facility is near fault lines, volcanic activity, and a water table used for human consumption Some scientists doubt the safety of the facility Some estimate that Yucca would already be at capacity and a secondary site is already necessary

5 Shoot it into space Benefits Drawbacks

6 Melt it Benefits Drawbacks

7 Burn it Benefits Drawbacks

8 Recycle It Benefits Drawbacks

9 Deep Storage Benefits Drawbacks

10 Choice of Solution On a piece of paper, Rank the top three solutions, or come up with another, which may be a combination of alternatives (for example, some in deep storage, some shot into space)

11 Caucus Each corner represents an alternative Stand in the corner that represents your best choice Debate Repeat until one choice has overwhelming support

12 Questions Generate 20-30 questions about your best solution Each student will choose a question to take home and research Print your source and bring it to class for full homework credit.

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