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Christopher Bushnell President ICIS Conference – June 10, 2015 Brno, Czech Republic ICIS Projects.

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Presentation on theme: "Christopher Bushnell President ICIS Conference – June 10, 2015 Brno, Czech Republic ICIS Projects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Christopher Bushnell President ICIS Conference – June 10, 2015 Brno, Czech Republic ICIS Projects

2 Goals for ICIS Projects  Establish ICIS as the expert in its interest areas  Provide tools for ICIS members  Provide the basis for standards before others define them for us

3 ICIS Interest Areas  Construction specifications  Construction cost data  Construction product data  Construction standards  Operations and maintenance data  Classification of construction information  Interoperability of above with drawings/models

4 Past Projects  Comparison of Specification Systems  Definition of a Specification  Specifications and BIM  Classification and BIM © ICIS

5 Lessons Learned  Need to pick the right project leader  Need to have a manageable core project group of 3-4 people  Could have a corresponding group of interested people for review and input  Need to define projects small enough so they are manageable  More concrete definition  Focus on interest areas  Need to encourage project work  Meeting time at conferences  Meeting time other than conferences – pay some portion of expenses?

6 © ICIS


8 What Projects do we do Next?  Definition of a cost estimate?  Cost estimating and BIM?  Adopt/adapt NBS BIM Object Standard?  Education program?  Example: What are specifications; why are they important?  Example: What is BIM; why is it important?  ???

9 Questions?

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