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National, regional and local -Set up databases of target groups in partner countries (Nov.-Dec 2011) -Link with the Cebanc web site January 2012 -Project.

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2 National, regional and local -Set up databases of target groups in partner countries (Nov.-Dec 2011) -Link with the Cebanc web site January 2012 -Project leaflet Basque and Spanish January 2012 -Meeting with teachers, teacher trainers and specialist staff from Cebanc to explain the project and to involve them in Needs analysis questionnaires February 2012

3 -Invitation to representatives of target groups: -VET policy makers (1 Education Inspector for VET in San Sebastián Jose Angel Ayucar and 1 for Secondary Education Lourdes Irastorza), -1 employer February 2012 -1 association of disadvantaged young people Gureak invited to attend transnational partner meeting in San Sebastián(March), organising in February 2012 -Teknika (Basque Center for Innovation in VET) (Josemi Oskoz) Feb 2012 -Dissemination through IVAC (Basque Institute for Qualifications) (Izaskun Zaballa) February 2012 -Berritzegune (Basque Center for Innovation at school level) (Koro Balerdi) February 2012 -Present the project to the Basque Region (Diputación) for approval, Life 1 was approved July 2012 -Meeting with teachers, teacher trainers director from Cebanc to organise the pilot Sept 2012 -Europen level (Efvet) Oct 2012

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