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June 15, 2005 1 PMG Ruth Pordes Status Report US CMS PMG July 15th Tier-1 –LCG Service Challenge 3 (SC3) –FY05 hardware delivery –UAF support Grid Services.

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Presentation on theme: "June 15, 2005 1 PMG Ruth Pordes Status Report US CMS PMG July 15th Tier-1 –LCG Service Challenge 3 (SC3) –FY05 hardware delivery –UAF support Grid Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 June 15, 2005 1 PMG Ruth Pordes Status Report US CMS PMG July 15th Tier-1 –LCG Service Challenge 3 (SC3) –FY05 hardware delivery –UAF support Grid Services & Open Science Grid –Transition to OSG –Consortium meeting & preproposal solicitation –Baseline services, LCG & EGEE Application Services –Dataset bookeeping service Distributed Computing Tools –WMS workshop in Padua –CMS Integration Workshop Software and Support –EDM/Framework –CMS annual review Project Office –Jen Nahn going to MIT - need to maintain quality of support for travel.

2 June 15, 2005 2 PMG Ruth Pordes Service Challenge 3 - LCG goals

3 June 15, 2005 3 PMG Ruth Pordes CMS & SC3 throughput MB/sec CMS uses Phedex for managed data movement. LCG recommends gLITE File Transfer Service. State of FTS continues to be a cause for concern. FNAL has separate streams to Tape & Disk. Other sites are to disk. Data transferred to US Tier-2s: Nebraska, Purdue, Wisconsin - to SRM/(resillient) dCache interface. (Caltech, UFl, UCSD not far behind) 22 Terabytes

4 June 15, 2005 4 PMG Ruth Pordes System & Network monitoring & debugging Cern Router Rate to FNAL Some instability in LHCnet + problems with FNAL on site switches for automatic failover - Cisco investigating. Small problems of integration, scaling, error response resolved in phedex & srm configurations and software.

5 June 15, 2005 5 PMG Ruth Pordes Now moving to T1 T2 tests- quotes CERN asks for exclusive access to the CERN servers and file transfers in order to debug the transfer infrastructure during July 11-21. CMS moves focus to disk-to-tape and T1/T2 and T2/T1 transfers. –Test upload of MC results from T2 to T1 buffers and publishing in catalogs. In US commision each T2 in turn. Goal to sustain production-grade functionality at reasonable but reduced rate, e.g. at 20-50 MB/s to tape as appropriate per site, and as much as we can get out of T2s without interfering with T1 operations or completely clogging the networks.

6 June 15, 2005 6 PMG Ruth Pordes FY05 hardware purchases First batch of nodes arrived, being installed in GCC and tested one rack at a time. Will receive and install more nodes as each rack successfully commissioned.

7 June 15, 2005 7 PMG Ruth Pordes All production nodes at T1 accessible to UAF, LCG, & OSG LCG test jobs D0 reprocessing CMS FNAL local User Jobs CMS OSG Production jobs CMS LCG CRAB analysis jobs Condor based production cluster of 650 nodes. UAF users have 600 batch slots available

8 June 15, 2005 8 PMG Ruth Pordes Open Science Grid OSG release 0.2 being installed. All US CMS Tier-2s (7) and Tier-1 transitioned to OSG by end of this week. Improved ability for site and experiment management of access and prioritization of jobs. OSG 14th July

9 June 15, 2005 9 PMG Ruth Pordes OSG support & operation US CMS grid operations process being prototyped. Fermilab Computing Division Helpdesk and Indiana Grid Operations Center automated exchange of ticket information. US CMS grid support includes Fermilab and Tier-2 contributions. CD/US CMS working on developing accounting infrastructure.

10 June 15, 2005 10 PMG Ruth Pordes OSG meetings & preproposal solicitation OSG application meeting at SLAC in June attended by LCG/ARDA. Stimulated discussion on joint work (us atlas, us cms fkw, globus, lcg) on “Edge Services” (LCG VO boxes) to provide needed experiment services at grid sites. OSG consortium meeting next week at LIGO in Milwaukee: Ribbon cutting, press release to open OSG, demonstrations, presentations. –Attendance includes NSF & DOE & several partners (some potential): LCG, TeraGrid, SURA, TACC, OSG call for 3 page pre-proposals or letters of intent to a program of work if funded. First round available July 22nd for Council to read & discuss. –Help define the next round of proposal solicitations from NSF and DOE. –Self-organize groups to work together. –NSF interested in a summary mid-August. Talking about iVDGL & GriPhyN follow ons. –DOE SciDAC-2 workshop early August at ANL.

11 June 15, 2005 11 PMG Ruth Pordes US CMS OSG working within WLCG Baseline services discussions. Define interfaces between OSG and EGEE operations. (joint workshop scheduled for fall). LCG participate in OSG interoperability activity to work on general mechanisms for OSG sites to be visible to LCG job submission and vice versa. US CMS evaluating how to submit jobs across OSG and EGEE infrastructures.

12 June 15, 2005 12 PMG Ruth Pordes Application Services Dataset Bookeeping Service initial prototype released to CMS for evaluation of interfaces and use. Dataset Location Service simple prototype being developed. Goal is end to end system interfaced to data and workload management in the fall for production use in DC06.

13 June 15, 2005 13 PMG Ruth Pordes Distributed Computing Tools Workshop this week in Padua (that’s where Ian and Frank are) between DCT, CMS WMS, EGEE ARDA/gLITE to define path forward for CMS- wide system and interfaces to different grids. Workshop next week at CERN (that’s where Lothar, Ian and Frank will be) for CMS Integration planning. Demos at OSG Consortium meeting: –On demand Monte Carlo Production Service (Dave Evans). –Prototype CMS Software Installation Service. (UFlorida). –Computing Division LamdaStation management of network pipe usage (DonP). –OSG-LCG Interoperability (Iowa evaluations).

14 June 15, 2005 14 PMG Ruth Pordes Software - short term plans from annual review

15 June 15, 2005 15 PMG Ruth Pordes EDM/Framework - from Liz Phase 0 (June delivery): Bare bones framework available and starting to be interfaced and integrated by a few groups. No show-stoppers yet. Phase 1 (August delivery): is on track so far. It is recognised by all that it is ambitious. –Includes: Parameter Set System prototype and EventSetup; as well as start of collaboration with the data management for command line options, dataset selection, and output handling and with Event Format group for event streaming/logging and run handling capability Phase 3 (for Sep 2006 : Computing, Software, and Analysis Challenge, CSA-2006): The project plan is nearly complete.

16 June 15, 2005 16 PMG Ruth Pordes CMS annual reviewers responses

17 June 15, 2005 17 PMG Ruth Pordes done for today

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