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 Koopert slow release bags  4 week release  0.10 per pot.

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2  Koopert slow release bags  4 week release  0.10 per pot

3  Bacteria produces protein toxic to specific insects  Genetically Modified Organisms  Plants modified to produce this protein  Corn, Soybeans, etc

4  Bt var. kurstaki kills caterpillars  Dipel  Must be eaten by pest

5  Bt var. ‘israeliensis’ kills mosquito larvae  Product put in water

6  Microscopic “worms”  BioSafe, Double Death products  Steinernema and Heterorhabditis genus  Predatory nematodes on grubs, caterpillars, thrips


8  Lives on root exudates  Prevents root disease  RootShield

9  IGR  Mimic insect hormones  Prevent molting  Control immature stage only

10  Derived from bacteria  Conserve  Cause insect muscles to continuously fire

11  Crushed fossils  Cut insects walking over it  Dehydrate

12  Soft body insects  Disrupts cells, removes cuticle, dry out  Must contact insect, no residual  Can burn plants

13  Insect REPELLENT  Extracted from neem tree  Also medicinal, cosmetic, and other safe uses for humans

14  Soft body insects  Smothers insects  Can penetrate scale and kill  Apply when less than 90 F

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