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EENG 2710 Chapter 4 Modular Combinational Logic 1
Chapter 4 Homework EENG 2710 Xilinx Project 1 And EENG 2710 VHDL Project 2 (Projects are on Instructor’s Website) 2
3 Basic Decoder Decoder: A digital circuit designed to detect the presence of a particular digital state. Can have one output or multiple outputs. Example: 2-Input NAND Gate detects the presence of ‘11’ on the inputs to generate a ‘0’ output.
4 Single-Gate Decoders Uses single gates (AND/NAND) and some Inverters. Example: 4-Input AND detects ‘1111’ on the inputs to generate a ‘1’ output. Inputs are labeled D 3, D 2, D 1, and D 0, with D 3 the MSB (most significant bit) and D 0 the LSB (least significant bit).
5 Single-Gate Decoders D3D3 D3D3 D0D0 D2D2 D2D2 D1D1 D1D1 D0D0 Y = (D 3 D 0 )’D2D2 D1D1 Y = D 3 D0D0 D2D2 D1D1
6 Single-Gate Examples If the inputs to a 4-Input NAND are given as, then the NAND detects the code 0001. The output is a 0 when the code 0001 is detected. This type of decoder is used in Address Decoding for a PC System Board.
7 Multiple Output Decoders Decoder circuit with n inputs can activate m = 2 n load circuits. Called a n-line-to-m-line decoder, such as a 2- to-4 or a 3-to-8 decoder. Usually has an active low enable that enables the decoder outputs.
8 2-to-4 Decoder
9 3-to-8 Decoder
10 Truth Table for a 3-to-8 Decoder
11 74138 3-to-8 Decoder
12 74138 3-to-8 Decoder
13 Simulation Simulation: The verification of a digital design using a timing diagram before programming the design in a Complex Programmable Logic Device (CPLD). Used to check the Output Response of a design to an Input Stimulus using a timing diagram.
14 Simulation
15 VHDL Binary Decoder Use select signal assignment statements constructs or conditional signal assignment statements constructs.
16 2-to-4 Decoder VHDL Entity Using a select signal assignment statement: LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; ENTITY decode3a IS PORT( d : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0); g : IN STD_LOGIC y : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0)); END decode3;
17 Selected Signal Entity In the previous slide, the Entity used a STD LOGIC Array for Inputs and Outputs. The Y : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0) is equal to Y 3, Y 2, Y 1, Y 0. The STD_LOGIC Data Type is similar to BIT but has added state values such as Z, X, H, and L instead of just 0 and 1.
18 Selected Signal Assignments Uses a VHDL Architecture construct called WITH SELECT. Format is: – WITH (signal input(s)) SELECT. – Signal input states are used to define the output state changes.
19 2-to-4 Decoder VHDL Architecture ARCHITECTURE decoder OF decode2to4 IS SIGNAL inputs : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 0); BEGIN inputs(2)<= g; inputs (1 downto 0)<= d; WITH inputs SELECT y <= "0001" WHEN "000", "0010" WHEN "001", "0100" WHEN "010", "1000" WHEN "011", "0000" WHEN others; END decoder; g d(1) d(0) Y(3)Y(0) Default case
2-to-4 Decoder VHDL Architecture LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; ENTITY decode3a IS PORT( d : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0); g : IN STD_LOGIC y : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0)); END decode3; ARCHITECTURE decoder OF decode2to4 IS SIGNAL inputs : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 0); BEGIN inputs(2)<= g; inputs (1 downto 0)<= d; WITH inputs SELECT y <= "0001" WHEN "000", "0010" WHEN "001", "0100" WHEN "010", "1000" WHEN "011", "0000" WHEN others; END decoder; 20
21 Decoder Architecture The decoder Architecture used a SELECT to evaluate d to determine the Output y. Both d and y are defined as an Array (or bus or vector) Data Type. The last state for WHEN OTHERS is added for the other logic states (Z, X, H, L, etc.).
22 Seven-Segment Displays Seven-Segment Display: An array of seven independently controlled LEDs shaped like an 8 that can be used to display decimal digits.
23 Seven-Segment Displays
24 Seven-Segment Displays
25 Common Anode Display Common Anode Display (CA): A seven- segment display where the anodes of all the LEDs are connected together to V CC and a ‘0’ turns on a segment (a to g).
26 Common Cathode Display Common Cathode Display (CC): A seven- segment display where all the cathodes are connected and tied to ground, and a ‘1’ turns on a segment.
27 Common Cathode/Anode Display
28 Common Anode Display
29 Seven-Segment Decoder/Driver Receives a BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) 4-Bit input, outputs a BCD digit 0000 – 1001 (0 through 9). Generates Outputs (a–g) for each of the display LEDs. Requires a current limit series resistor for each segment.
30 Seven-Segment Decoder/Driver Decoders for a CC-SS have active high outputs while decoders for a CA-SS have active low outputs (a to g). The outputs generated for the binary input combinations of 1010 to 1111 are “don’t cares”. The decoder can be designed with VHDL Logic (7447, 7448).
31 SS Decoder/Driver Truth Table
32 Decoder/Driver Entity (CA) ENTITY bcd_7seg IS PORT( d3, d2, d1, d0: IN BIT; a, b, c, d, e, f, g: OUT BIT; END bcd_7seg;
33 Decoder/Driver Architecture ARCHITECTURE seven_segment OF bcd_7seg IS SIGNAL input: BIT_VECTOR (3 downto 0); SIGNAL output: BIT_VECTOR (6 downto 0); BEGIN input <= d3 & d2 & d1 & d0; -- Uses two intermediate signals called input and output (internal no pins) -- Creates an array by using the concatenate operator (&) In this case input(3) <= d3, input(2) <= d2, etc.
34 Decoder/Driver Architecture WITH input SELECT output <= “0000001” WHEN “0000”, “1001111” WHEN “0001”, “0010010” WHEN “0010”, “0000110“ WHEN “0011”, “1111111” WHEN others;
35 Decoder/Driver Architecture a<=output(6); b<=output(5); c<=output(4); d<=output(3); e<=output(2); f<=output(1); g<=output(0); END seven_segment
36 SS VHDL File Description In the preceding example file, a concurrent select signal assignment was used (WITH (signals) SELECT. The intermediate output signals were mapped to the segments (a to g). Example: when Input (D3 – D0) is 0001, the decoder sets a=d=e=f=g=1, b=c=0.
37 Encoders Encoder: A digital circuit that generates a specific code at its outputs in response to one or more active inputs. It is complementary in function to a decoder. Output codes are usually Binary or BCD.
38 Priority Encoders Priority Encoder: An encoder that generates a code based on the highest- priority input. For example, if input D 3 = input D 5, then the output is 101, not 011. D 5 has a higher priority than D 3 and the output will respond accordingly.
39 BCD Priority Encoder D 9 – D 0 = 0100001111 BCD # = ?
40 BCD Priority Encoder D 9 – D 0 = 0101001011 Q 3 – Q 0 = 1000 (8 10 )
41 BCD Priority Encoder D 9 – D 0 = 1000000001 Q 3 – Q 0 = 1001 (9 10 )
42 BCD Priority Encoder D 9 – D 0 = 1101001011 Q 3 – Q 0 = 1001 (9 10 )
43 Put It All Together A D C B 1 = 1 = 0
44 Priority Encoder VHDL Entity -- hi_pri8a.vhd ENTITY hi_pri8a IS PORT( d: IN BIT_VECTOR (7 downto 0); q: OUT BIT_VECTOR (2 downto 0)); END hi_pri8a;
45 Priority Encoder VHDL Architecture ARCHITECTURE a OF hi_pri8a IS BEGIN -- Concurrent Signal Assignments q(2)<=d(7) or d(6) or d(5) or d(4); q(1)<=d(7) or d(6) or ((not d(5)) and (not d(4)) and d(3)) or ((not d(5)) and (not d(4)) and d(2)); q(0)<=-- in a similar fashion END a;
46 8 to 3 bit Encoder
47 8-to-3 Encoder Truth Table
48 Basic Multiplexers (MUX) (MUX): A digital circuit that directs one of several inputs to a single output based on the state of several select inputs. A MUX is called a m-to-1 MUX. A MUX with n select inputs will require m = 2 n data inputs (e.g., a 4-to-1 MUX requires 2 select inputs S 1 and S 0 ).
49 Basic Multiplexers (MUX)
50 Basic Multiplexers (MUX)
51 4-to-1 Multiplexers Truth Table S1S1 S0S0 Y 00D0D0 01D1D1 10D2D2 11D3D3
52 Multiplexer Logic Boolean expression for a 4-to-1 MUX is This expression can be expanded to any size MUX so the VHDL architecture could use a very long concurrent Boolean statement.
53 Double Subscript Notation Naming convention in which variables are bundled in numerically related groups, the elements of which are themselves numbered. The first subscript identifies the group that a variable belongs to (D 01, D 00 ). The second subscript indicates which element of the group a variable represents.
54 4-bit Bus MUX
55 Truth Table for a 4-to-1 4-bit Bus MUX S1S1 S0S0 Y 3 Y 2 Y 1 Y 0 00D 03 D 02 D 01 D 00 01D 13 D 12 D 11 D 10 10D 23 D 22 D 21 D 20 11D 33 D 32 D 31 D 30
56 VHDL Constructs For MUXs The following three VHDL constructs can be used to describe the Multiplexer: – Concurrent Signal Assignment Statement – Select Signal Assignment Statement – CASE Statement
57 PROCESS and Sensitivity List PROCESS: A VHDL construct that contains statements that are executed if a signal in its sensitivity list changes. Sensitivity list: A list of signals in a PROCESS statement that are monitored to determine whether the Process should be executed.
58 Case Statement A case statement is a VHDL construct in which there is a choice of statements to be executed, depending on the value of a signal or variable.
59 Case VHDL Template CASE __expression IS WHEN __constant_value => __statement; WHEN __constant_value => __statement; WHEN OTHERS => __statement; END CASE;
60 MUX 4-to-1 VHDL – 1 Basic Entity declaration for a 4-to-1 MUX: ENTITY mux4case IS PORT( d0, d1, d2, d3 : IN BIT; s: IN BIT_VECTOR (1 downto 0); y: OUT BIT); END mux4case;
61 MUX 4-to-1 VHDL – 2 ARCHITECTURE mux4to1 OF mux4case IS BEGIN -- Monitor select inputs and execute if they change PROCESS(s) BEGIN CASE s IS
62 MUX 4-to-1 VHDL – 3 WHEN "00"=>y<=d0; WHEN "01"=>y<=d1; WHEN "10"=>y<=d2; WHEN "11"=>y<=d3; WHEN others=>y<='0'; END CASE; END PROCESS; END mux4to1;
63 Multiplexer Applications Used in directing multiple data sources to a single processing element such as multiple CD Player Streams to a DSP. Used in Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) by the Phone Service to multiplex multiple voice channels on a single coax line (or fiber).
64 Multiplexer Applications Used in directing multiple data sources to a single processing element such as multiple CD Player Streams to a DSP.
65 Multiplexer Applications Used in Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) by the Phone Service to multiplex multiple voice channels on a single coax line (or fiber).
66 Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) Each user has a specific time slot in a TDM data frame. Each frame has 24 users. TDM requires a time-dependent (counter) source to synchronize the select lines. Each user’s time slot repeats on the next frame for more data. The links are called T-Carriers (such as a T1 Line).
67 TDM Data Streams Two methods in which data is transmitted: – Bit Multiplexing: One bit is sent at a time from the channel during the channel’s assigned time slot – Word Multiplexing: One byte is sent at a time from the channel during the channel’s assigned time slot
68 TDM Data Streams
69 TDM Data Streams
70 Demultiplexer Basics Demultiplexer: A digital circuit that uses a decoder to direct a single input (from a MUX) to one of several outputs. A DEMUX performs the reverse operation of a MUX. The selected output is chosen by the Select Inputs (as in a MUX).
71 Demultiplexer Basics Designated as a 1-to-n DEMUX that requires m select inputs such that n outputs = 2 m select inputs. 1-to-4 DEMUX Equations: They are similar to a MUX and can be designed using CASE Statements.
72 Demultiplexer Basics
73 Demultiplexer Basics
74 Demultiplexer Basics
75 Demultiplexer VHDL Entity ENTITY dmux8 IS PORT( s: IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 0); d: IN STD_LOGIC; y: OUTSTD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 7)); END dmux8;
76 Demultiplexer VHDL Architecture ARCHITECTURE a OF dmux8 IS SIGNAL inputs : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0); BEGIN inputs <= d & s; WITH inputs select Y <= “01111111” WHEN “0000”, “10111111” WHEN “0001”, “11111111” WHEN others; END a;
77 Demultiplexer VHDL Architecture
78 Analog MUX/DEMUX Uses a CMOS Switch or Transmission Gate that will allow a signal to Pass in two directions for + and – Voltages. Some commercial types such as a CD4066 or 74HC4066. Multiplexes 4 CMOS Switches to a single output (Y) for analog multiplexing.
79 Analog MUX/DEMUX
80 Analog MUX/DEMUX
81 Magnitude Comparators Magnitude Comparator: A digital circuit that compares two n-Bit Binary Numbers and indicates if they are equal or which is greater. A very simple One-Bit Magnitude Comparator is the Two-Input XNOR Gate: – When both inputs are equal, the output is a 1; if they are not, it is a 0.
82 2-Bit Comparator A1A1 A0A0 B1B1 B0B0 AEQB
83 2-Bit Magnitude Comparator A1A1 A0A0 B1B1 B0B0 AEQB AGTB ALTB
84 Magnitude Comparators Multiple Bit Comparisons Also adds A > B (AGTB) and A < B (ALTB) Outputs. For A > B, start with the MSB: – If A n–1 > B n–1, then AGTB = 1 If not, then try the next most significant bit.
85 4-Bit Magnitude Comparator AEQB AGTB ALTB A3A3 A2A2 B3B3 B2B2 A1A1 A0A0 B1B1 B0B0
86 VHDL 4-Bit Magnitude Comparator ENTITY compare4 IS PORT( a, b : IN INTEGER RANGE 0 to 15; agtb, aeqb, altb : OUT STD_LOGIC); END compare4;
87 VHDL 4-Bit Magnitude Comparator ARCHITECTURE a OF compare4 IS SIGNAL compare :STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 0); BEGIN PROCESS (a, b) BEGIN IF a<b THEN compare <= “110”; ELSIF a = b THEN compare <= “101”;
88 VHDL 4-Bit Magnitude Comparator ELSIF a > b THEN compare <= “011”; ELSE compare <= “111”; END IF; agtb <= compare(2); aeqb <= compare(1); altb <= compare(0); END PROCESS END a;
89 Temperature Comparator
90 Parity Basics Parity: A digital system that checks for errors in a n-Bit Binary Number or Code. Even Parity: A parity system that requires the binary number and the parity bit to have an even # of 1s. Odd Parity: A parity system that requires the binary number and the parity bit to have an Odd # of 1s.
91 Parity Basics Parity Bit: A bit appended on the end of a binary number or code to make the # of 1s odd or even depending on the type of parity in the system. Parity is used in transmitting and receiving data by devices in a PC called UARTs, that are on the COM Port. UART = Universal asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
92 Parity Basics
93 Parity Calculation N 1 = 0110110: – It has four 1s (an even number). – If Parity is ODD, the Parity Bit = 1 to make it an odd number (5). – If Parity is EVEN, the Parity Bit = 0 to keep it an even number (4). N 2 = 1000000: – One 1 in the data. – P odd = 0. – P even = 1.
94 Parity Generation HW A basic two-bit parity generator can be constructed from a XOR Gate. When the two inputs are 01 or 10, the output is a 1 (so this is even parity). When the two inputs are 00 or 11, the output is a 0. For a parity generator of n bits, add more gates.
95 Parity Generator HW Cascading a long chain of XOR gates could cause excessive propagation delays. To check for a Parity error, the receiver (R X ) just generates a new Parity Bit (P 1 ) based on the received parallel data and then compares it to the parity bit transmitted (P 2 ).
96 Parity Generator HW If there is an error, the two bits (P 1 and P 2 ) will not be equal, and we can use a two-bit magnitude comparator to check this (an XOR gate). This check is called syndrome. – If there are no errors, the syndrome output (P err ) is 0. Parity is not a foolproof system. – If two bits are in error, the error is not detected.
97 4-Bit Parity Generator
98 VHDL GENERATE Statement __generate_label: FOR __index_variable IN __range GENERATE __statement; END GENERATE;
99 4-Bit Parity VHDL Code LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic1164.ALL; ENTITY parity4_gen IS PORT( d : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 3); pe ; OUT STD_LOGIC); END parity4_gen;
100 4-Bit Parity VHDL Code ARCHITECTURE parity OF parity4_gen IS SIGNAL p : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 to 3); BEGIN p(1) <= d(0) xor d(1); parity_generate: FOR i IN 2 to 3 GENERATE p(i) <= p(i-1) xor d(i); END GENERATE; pe <= p(3); END parity;
101 Binary Adders Half Adder (HA): A circuit that will add two bits and produce a sum bit and a carry bit. Full Adder (FA): A circuit that will add a carry bit from another HA or FA and two operand bits to produce a sum bit and a carry bit.
102 Basic HA Addition Binary Two-Bit Addition Rules: 0 + 0 = 00 0 + 1 = 01 1 + 1 = 10
103 HA Circuit Basic Equations: S = A XOR B, C = A and B where S = Sum and C = Carry. Truth Table for HA Block:
104 Full Adder Basics Adds a C IN input to the HA block. Equations are modified as follows: A FA can be made from two HA blocks and an OR Gate.
105 Full Adder Basics
106 Full Adder Basics
107 Full Adder Basics
108 Parallel Adders A circuit, consisting of n full adders, that will add n-bit binary numbers. The output consists of n sum bits and a carry bit. C OUT of one full adder is connected to C IN of the next full adder.
109 4-Bit Parallel Adder
110 4-Bit Parallel Adder
111 Ripple Carry In the n-Bit Parallel Adder (FA Stages) the Carryout is generated by the last stage (FAN). This is called a Ripple Carry Adder because the final carryout (Last Stage) is based on a ripple through each stage by C IN at the LSB Stage.
112 Ripple Carry Each Stage will have a propagation delay on the C IN to C OUT of one AND Gate and one OR Gate. A 4-Bit Ripple Carry Adder will then have a propagation delay on the final C OUT of 4 2 = 8 Gates. A 32-Bit adder such as in an MPU in a PC could have a delay of 64 Gates.
113 Ripple Carry
114 Look-Ahead Carry Fast Carry or Look-Ahead Carry: – A combinational network that generates the final C OUT directly from the operand bits (A 1 to A n, B 1 to B n ). – It is independent of the operations of each FA Stage (as the ripple carry is).
115 Look Ahead Carry Fast Carry has a small propagation delay compared to the ripple carry. The fast carry delay is 3 Gates for a 4-Bit Adder compared to 8 for the Ripple Carry.
116 4-Bit Fast Carry Circuit
117 Subtractor (2’s Complement) The concept of Subtraction using 2’s Complement addition allows a Parallel FA to be used. The subtract operation involves adding the inverse of the subtrahend to the minuend and then adding a 1.
118 Subtractor (2’s Complement) This operation can be done in a parallel n-Bit FA by inverting (B 1 to B n ) and connecting C IN at the LSB Stage to +5 V. The circuit can be modified to allow either the ADD or SUBTRACT operation to be performed.
119 Subtractor (2’s Complement)
120 Parallel Binary Adder/Subtractor XOR gates are used as programmable inverters to pass binary numbers (e.g., B 1 B 2 B 3 B 4 ) to the parallel adder in true or complemented form.
121 Parallel Binary Adder/Subtractor 1 0 X B Y X=1 X=0 BBBB’
122 Overflow If the sign bits of both operands are the same and the sign bit of the sum is different from the operand sign bits, an overflow has occurred. Overflow is not possible if the sign bits of the operands are different from each other.
123 Overflow Examples Adding two 8-bit negative numbers: Adding two 8-bit positive numbers:
124 Overflow 8-bit Parallel Adder
125 Overflow Detector Truth Table SASA SBSB SS V 0000 0011 0100 0110 1000 1010 1101 1110
126 Overflow Detector
127 BCD Adder A Parallel Adder whose output sum is in groups of 4 bits, each representing a BCD (8421) Digit. Basic design is a 4-Bit Binary Parallel Adder to generate a 4-Bit Sum of A + B. Sum is input to the four-bit input of a Binary- to-BCD Code Converter.
128 BCD Adder
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