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Welcome to English Class Week Class 1 Topic: Introductions Professor Emory.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to English Class Week Class 1 Topic: Introductions Professor Emory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to English Class Week Class 1 Topic: Introductions Professor Emory

2 Important! Sometimes I talk fast or use difficult words. Sometimes my handouts have words you do not know. If you do not know a word, ASK ME. I will help you with vocabulary!

3 Grading Curve A B C,D,F A’s: no more than 30% B’s: no more than 40%

4 Evaluation Attendance……………………………….20% Participation……………………………..15% Homework/Quizzes……….…………..15% Midterm……………………………………20% Final…………………………………………30%

5 Attendance You MUST be on time. If you are absent 10 or more times you will get an F. If you are absent, your homework is still due by class time. If you miss a quiz, you MUST make it up before the next class. You need to contact me to make an appointment for quizzes.

6 Class Rules Try to speak English as much as possible. Participation is very important! Turn off your cell phone! Come prepared (materials, pen, notebook and homework) or I will send you home. Do not speak when others are talking – listen to your classmates.

7 Quizzes I might give quizzes. They are VERY short. If you miss the quiz due to an absence, you must make it up before the next week.

8 All homework assignments will be posted on engrade. All power points will be posted on engrade. Every handout will be posted on engrade. If you lose something, you must go to e-class and get a new copy. I will give you logins for engrade next week. You can see your grades on engrade and you can ask me questions.

9 Contact me! I am here to HELP you! My office hours are: Tuesday 9:00-10:00, 12:00-1:00 and Thursday 10:30 – 11:30. I will update these later on. SEND ME EMAIL if you have questions: Do NOT contact my cell phone! I can also make appointments with you. If you need to talk to me, I WILL BE AVAILABLE!

10 Goals for Today Review basic conversational English Be comfortable speaking in English Have introduction conversations in English Get to know each other :-)

11 Getting to know you...

12  A hobby is an activity that a person chooses to do for fun. A hobby is not a required activity, but a way to spend free time.  My hobbies are reading, surfing online, playing video games, quilting, cooking, boxing, fixing my car, traveling, and singing.

13 Get to know each other What is a characteristic? A characteristic is a word to describe you as a person. Characteristics are adjectives. They are also called traits. For example, I am friendly, outgoing, hardworking, and kind.

14 Be Creative! On the board, write one hobby YOU have that is interesting. On the board, write one characteristic to describe yourself! Try to be creative and think of something that is different from other people!

15 Review Present Simple I, you, we, they = verb He, she, it = verb + “s” I (verb) bananas. I like bananas. He (verb + “s”) bananas. He likes bananas.

16 Questions, present simple Do you like to play baseball? Does he like to play baseball? I, you, we, they = Do + verb He, she, it = Does + verb

17 Activities We are going to some activities today. These activities will help me know your levels. Let's do an activity about present simple tense. Please fill the worksheet out on your own. Do Part A first.

18 Answers Get with a partner and check your answers. Do you have the same answers? Can you write the questions for part B?

19 Group Activity Let's stand up. I want you to talk to three different people. Ask them questions from the worksheet. Try to ask follow-up questions. I will come around, listen, and help.

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