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Becoming a Successful college student By: Kristi Kile.

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Presentation on theme: "Becoming a Successful college student By: Kristi Kile."— Presentation transcript:

1 Becoming a Successful college student By: Kristi Kile

2 Time Management is Everything DO NOT PROCRASTINATE DO NOT PROCRASTINATE  Allow yourself the adequate time for all of your assignments  Be aware of how you spend your time  Make good decisions when trying to balance class, study, work, and leisure  Always schedule your time by importance of things

3 Preparation BEFORE ATTENDING CLASS ~read a head for assignments ~do not miss quizzes or tests ~identify what you have questions about ~be prepared with all text and items that will be covered in class DURING CLASS DURING CLASS ~ask questions on items you do not understand ~sit near the front of the room ~make sure to hand in all assignments on time ~participate in class discussions ~take good notes

4 More Freedom in college Having more freedom in college can lead to problems if you do not control:  How you structure your time because now there is no one telling you what to do and when to do it  How you handle situations away from your parents  How you handle free time: stay away from the college partying and drinking if you expect to get good grades  How you handle making your own decisions

5 Different test taking strategies  Read questions carefully  Only answer the ones you are completely sure about then at the end go back to the ones you did not know  Make educated guesses on questions you do not know  Use your time wisely  Go back over your test at the end to make sure the have answered and correctly placed your answers

6 SO BE A SUCCESSFUL Use all the techniques and study habits to help you become the A student that you want to be in college. Use these techniques and tips to carry you on to a successful career! Use all the techniques and study habits to help you become the A student that you want to be in college. Use these techniques and tips to carry you on to a successful career!

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