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Don’t Reinvent the Wheel Zach Boerger February 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Don’t Reinvent the Wheel Zach Boerger February 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Don’t Reinvent the Wheel Zach Boerger February 2012

2 Leverage What Already Exists

3 What’s out there? APIs jQuery Libraries Frameworks Templates

4 AP-what? API = Application Programming Interface Give developers access to the feature set of an existing product


6 Top APIs Facebook + Twitter Google Maps Foursquare Twilio

7 Before you build a “cool” feature, Google it

8 Open-source is your friend

9 So is GithubGithub

10 jQuery Scrollable

11 Other Examples Auto-save user input on your forms Create bar graphs on the fly (client-side) Anything else you can build!

12 Frameworks

13 Popular Ones Ruby on Rails Django + Python PHP + CodeIgniter

14 Reasoning Logical, consistent layout for projects Eliminates up-front “setup” time Take advantage of what’s already included

15 Templates & Boilerplates

16 Twitter Bootstrap

17 HTML5 + Mobile Boilerplate

18 Conclusion To quickly test an idea, leverage what’s already out there Go back and re-design later if needed Don’t waste time on stuff that’s already been done

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