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Using Historical Maps in Research A Case Study of Research in Burgundy France Amanda Tickner, Scott Madry, Elizabeth Jones, Seth Murray NC GIS Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Historical Maps in Research A Case Study of Research in Burgundy France Amanda Tickner, Scott Madry, Elizabeth Jones, Seth Murray NC GIS Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Historical Maps in Research A Case Study of Research in Burgundy France Amanda Tickner, Scott Madry, Elizabeth Jones, Seth Murray NC GIS Conference 2015

2 Burgundy Historical Landscapes Working Group Scott Madry - HGIS/GIS Amanda Tickner - HGIS/GIS Elizabeth Jones - Historical Anthropology Seth Murray - Oral Historian Tamara Misner - Geologist

3 Larger research area surrounding commune and village of Uxeau in southern Burgundy

4 The Maps 1759 Cassini 1834 Cadastre 1840 Etat Major 1:40,000 (81) 1880 Phylloxera Map (40) 1895 topo 1:40,000 (15) 1912 Etat Major 1:40,000 (17) 1945 aerials (33) 1951 IGN 1:25,000 (6) 1964 Cadastre 1971 IGN 1:25,000 (20) 1983 IGN 1:25,000 (12) 2003 IGN 1:25,000 (20) 2012 IGN 1:25,000 (10)

5 Digitizing and acquiring maps

6 Copyright Issues

7 Historic Cartography and quality How was the map made?

8 Purpose Why was the map made?

9 Scale

10 Placement - Woods Over Time

11 Georeferencing Historic Maps

12 Quality: Extra data can help

13 Pond Survey

14 Garmin and historic maps Scott Madry’s method for field survey

15 Key Points There are several important issues to consider when providing and using maps to researchers: Resolution Scale Purpose Ground truthing: oral history, historical documents, on the ground

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