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Our Lord’s Last Awful Week— but What a Week It Was for Us! Part 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Lord’s Last Awful Week— but What a Week It Was for Us! Part 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Lord’s Last Awful Week— but What a Week It Was for Us! Part 2

2 How close to the character of Satan had the Jewish leaders come to characterize their picture of what the Messiah would be like? DA 700 1/29/20162 Our Lord’s Last Awful Week— but What a Week It Was for Us!

3 Can you think of a greater job of deception that Satan had pulled off? 1/29/20163 Our Lord’s Last Awful Week— but What a Week It Was for Us!

4 What did the death of Christ teach about how sinners die the second death? DA 743 1/29/20164 Our Lord’s Last Awful Week— but What a Week It Was for Us!

5 What impact did the death of Christ have on heavenly angels and the unfallen worlds? DA 758, 761 1/29/20165 Our Lord’s Last Awful Week— but What a Week It Was for Us!

6 What was the covenant that the Father made with Jesus? DA 790 1/29/20166 Our Lord’s Last Awful Week— but What a Week It Was for Us!

7 What is the basis of our confidence, our assurance, today that we believe in an all-sufficient Savior? DA 799 1/29/20167 Our Lord’s Last Awful Week— but What a Week It Was for Us!

8 Why is it so obvious and so weighty that no one today comes to Jesus apart from the witness of others? DA 807 1/29/20168 Our Lord’s Last Awful Week— but What a Week It Was for Us!

9 What is the essence of the gospel, the grand goal of the plan of salvation? DA 824 1/29/20169 Our Lord’s Last Awful Week— but What a Week It Was for Us!

10 After reviewing the magnificent message of The Desire of Ages, can there be any doubt that Ellen White was God’s messenger of grace? 1/29/201610 Our Lord’s Last Awful Week— but What a Week It Was for Us!

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