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1 Code Purple – Group Health Experience Alex Truchot, Sr. HSE Manager, CBRE Presentation on May 29, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Code Purple – Group Health Experience Alex Truchot, Sr. HSE Manager, CBRE Presentation on May 29, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Code Purple – Group Health Experience Alex Truchot, Sr. HSE Manager, CBRE Presentation on May 29, 2015

2 2 Definitions Elopement — When a patient, who is incapable of adequately protecting him or herself, leaves the health care facility unsupervised and undetected. Often at risk for serious harm, including death As opposed to Wandering — When patients aimlessly move about within the building or grounds without appreciation of their personal safety. Also leads to safety risks due to the decreased capacity of the patient or “AMA” (against medical advice) — When a patient decides to leave a facility after being informed of and appreciating risks of leaving without completing treatment

3 3 Overview 38 facilities Different sizes and complexity Single floor and multiple floors Different services offered Some have security and some do not. No long term care.

4 4 Different from Swedish Missing Patient/Medically At Risk Person Eliminated Elopement since clinics/ambulatory care No long term care No police custody situations Limited communications capabilities other than verbal and/or overhead paging. Protect Patient confidentiality

5 5 Tools Developed Code in Emergency Manual Page in Quick Reference Guide Huddle Card for Staff Training Poster Facilities Implementation Instructions Normal Emergency Management Training – Online Sticker on Code Card

6 Thank YOU! Questions? Alex Truchot 206-988-2909 6

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