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Fig. 10-CO, Biosynthesis of Nucleic acid: DNA Replication Fidelity— Proofreading Self-correcting.

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Presentation on theme: "Fig. 10-CO, Biosynthesis of Nucleic acid: DNA Replication Fidelity— Proofreading Self-correcting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fig. 10-CO, Biosynthesis of Nucleic acid: DNA Replication Fidelity— Proofreading Self-correcting

2 Fig. 10-1, Mechanism for transfer of information in the cell Flow of genetic information Central Dogma of Molecular biology template amplifyworkhouse Retrovirus (HIV) Reverse transcriptase genes cDNA

3 Prokaryotic Replication Challenges in duplication of circular double- stranded DNA –achievement of continuous unwinding and separation of the two DNA strands –protection of unwound portions from attack by nucleases that attack single-stranded DNA –synthesis of the DNA template from 5’ -> 3’ on both antiparallel strand –efficient protection from errors in replication

4 Fig. 10-2, Semiconservative replication Double strand- Protected from nuclease Template N 15 N 14 N 14

5 Fig. 10-3, N 15 N 14 Experiment

6 Fig. 10-4, Bidirectional replication Origin of replication 2 Replication forks replicators

7 Fig. 10-5, p. 266 Polymerization Net chain growth DNA polymerase RNA primer Phosphodiester bond pyrophosphate

8 Fig. 10-6, Semidiscontinuous model- DNA polymerase reaction 5’ to 3’Nascent chain-new strand 1000-2000 nts

9 AIDS: acquired immune deficiency syndrome Stop polymerization

10 Turnover number: speed Processivity: nts join before enzyme dissociates PolII-repair enzyme, Pol VI and V-SOS response Exonuclease 5’-3’—repair, remove RNA primer (several nts), 3’-5’—proofreading (once a nt)

11 Table 10-2, p.242 major polymerase complex--clamp

12 Fig. 10-8 Need energy Supercoiling and replication unwinding

13 Fig. 10-9 Replication fork Helicase: open helix SSB: single-strand binding (protect from nuclease) Primase (primosome: primer and proteins): RNA (de novo) 2 molecules of Pol III (synthesis)+ primosome= replisome Pol I-remove primer and add new DNA nts DNA ligase

14 Table 10-3,

15 Fig. 10-10 Proofreading- 10 9 to 10 10 Mispairing- 10 4 to 10 5

16 Why is T but not U

17 Fig. 10-11 Remove RNA primer & mistakes (mutagen)

18 Fig. 10-11 Label DNA for probe Nick translation by DNA polymerase-cut and patch

19 Fig. 10-12 UV pyrimidine dimer Interfere replication and transcription Thymine dimer (base pairing mistake)

20 Fig. 10-13 Free oxygen radicals-destroy sugar ring

21 Fig. 10-14 Mismatch repair in E. coli Parental strand- Methylated Eu: Adenine Pro: Cytosine

22 Fig. 10-15 Base excision repair Remove sugar and phosphate Pol I

23 Fig. 10-16 Nucleotide excision repair (UV dimer) Xeroderma pigmentosum- Skin cancer

24 Fig. 10-17 DNA recombining DNA recombination homologous recombination Homologous sequences gametes meiosis

25 Light blueDark blue homologous recombination Immune cell: immunoglobulin Hot spots (requires PRDM9- Histone methyltransferase) Meiosis—aneuploidy, 10-25% inaccurate Holiday model Chromosome pairing RecBCD: initial RecA: SS binding RuvA, B, C: branch migration

26 Fig. 10-19 The eukaryotic cell cycle Less than 24 hours to hundreds of days Mitosis and Cell division G0—quiescent Not growing and dividing : neuron Eukaryotic DNA replication Multiple origins Time control (cell cycle) Lots proteins and enzymes

27 Fig. 10-20 Initiation of the DNA replication cycle in eukaryotic Replicator, Replicons (500-50,000 bps) ORC: Origin recognition complex RAP-replication activator protein RLFs: replication licensing factors (cytosolic-nuclear membrane break down) Pre-RC-pre-replication complex CDKs-cyclin-dependent protein kinases Phosphorylation of the RAP, RLF, ORC-trigger replication and prevent new pre-RC

28  - Pol III-lagging strand, primase  repair Main Pol Repair, remove primer

29 Fig. 10-21


31 Fig. 10-22 Eukaryotic replication fork PCNA: proliferating cell nuclear antigen= Sliding clamp RFC: replication factor C-attaching PCNA to Pol FEN-1, RNaseH1: degrade the RNA primers Polymerase  -primer and 20 nts

32 Problems at the end of DNA molecule- get shorter

33 Telomere replication 5’TTAGGG3’-1000 times Telomerase-ribonuclear protein RNA complement of the telomere -CCCUAA


35 Reverse transcriptase Telomerase-ribonuclear protein RNA complement of the telomere -CCCUAA Not active in most adult tissues Reactive in cancer cells Mice lacking telomerase: stop Shortening-other protective ways

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