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I Can Be a Comic Book Superhero! By: Cara Edenfield Pictures by: Joy Delaney

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Presentation on theme: "I Can Be a Comic Book Superhero! By: Cara Edenfield Pictures by: Joy Delaney"— Presentation transcript:

1 I Can Be a Comic Book Superhero! By: Cara Edenfield Pictures by: Joy Delaney

2 I can be a comic book superhero! I dress up like the Hulk.

3 I can be a comic book superhero! I dress up like Captain America.

4 I can be a comic book superhero! I dress up like the Flash.

5 I can be a comic book superhero! We dress up like Batman and Robin.

6 I can be a comic book superhero! I dress up like Spiderman.

7 I can be a comic book superhero! I dress up like Supergirl.

8 I dress up like Ironman. I can be a comic book superhero!

9 I dress up like a Ninja Turtle.

10 I can be a comic book superhero! I dress up like Thor.

11 I dress up like Super Owl. I can be a comic book superhero!

12 The End A special thanks to the students who helped make the background!!!

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