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Maths Summative Task ( Ratio) BY: Nidia 6A, Bhuvi 6A,Patrick 6A, Matthew 6A.

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Presentation on theme: "Maths Summative Task ( Ratio) BY: Nidia 6A, Bhuvi 6A,Patrick 6A, Matthew 6A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maths Summative Task ( Ratio) BY: Nidia 6A, Bhuvi 6A,Patrick 6A, Matthew 6A

2 What do you wonder about ratio, state the questions Bhuvi: I wonder when was ratio first used? Nidia: I wonder why was ratio invented? Patrick: I wonder who invented ratio? Matthew: I wonder what is the use or function of ratio for daily life?

3 The Original Recipe 1 Cup white milk 1 banana 3 ice cubes 2 tbsp chocolate syrup

4 The Original recipe 1.Peel the bananas 2.Put all the ingredients in the blender (banana to be cut is optional) 3.Mix them together then pour it into your glass

5 The Problem Your group need to make 1 1/2 recipe Your group need to increase the main ingredients 1 ½

6 The Calculation Of Ratio 1 Cup white milk 250 g 1 ½ x 250: 375g 1 banana 752 grams 1 ½ x 725: 2256 3 ice cubes 325g 1 ½ x 325: 48,75 g 8 tbspns of chocolate syrup 180g 1 ½ x 180: 420 g

7 The New Recipe ( based on the ration calculation) 1 Cup white milk 4 banana 12 ice cubes 8 Tbsp Chocolate syrup

8 Our group made a banana a smoothie, the taste and the presentation went well, but if the banana added was less than 4 it would have been perfect because when we add 4 bananas the taste was not perfect and it only has the banana taste and we could not taste the chocolate syrup (which was sweet ) which was added in the smoothie.

9 Answering The Questions Bhuvi: Ratio is used by the ancient greeks along time ago or the era when the Greeks are developing. Patrick: Ratio is invented because ratio is important for doing important things like cooking, making a recipe, for working (business, architecture, land planning, and others), education and other important things that ratio is used for. Ratio is also used for comparing things (fruits and others). Matthew: Ratio: Ratio is useful for our daily life because it’s useful for working (finance, business, and others), it is also useful for calculating the ratios of each material (fruits, vegetables, and other materials), and also ratio is also useful for cooking or taking recipe and others that is useful for our daily life. Nidia: In layman's terms a ratio represents, for every amount of one thing, how much there is of another thing. For example, supposing one has 8 oranges and 6 lemons in a bowl of fruit, the ratio of oranges to lemons would be 4:3.

10 Reflection The Thinking Hats

11 Reflection White hat: Matthew: For me when we do the math summative task or making the smoothie we learned or earned many knowledge about calculating ratios and also we now know how to convert something into grams. While finding the ratio and making the smoothies, we had to know about the amount of things we needed so we could convert them into ratio. Black hat: Matthew: For me when we do the math summative task it was very complicated for me to calculate grams of the ingredients. It was difficult when deciding the amount of a ingredient we have to add to the smoothie.

12 Reflection Green hat: If we had a chance to redo it, we would change the presentation of the smoothie. Matthew: Before we make the smoothie we could add a new ingredient on the smoothie to make it more better or delicious. Red hat: We were very excited about the taste, but as everyone commented there was a bit too much banana, if we had small amount of banana it would be much better about the taste of the smoothie. Matthew: For me we should add large amount of chocolate syrup to make the smoothie more sweeter and has taste because when we taste our smoothie it has no taste and the chocolate is blocked by the large amount of bananas.

13 Reflection Yellow hat: Matthew: The strength or the opportunities that we experience is we could learned a lot about different kind of ratios and others relating about ratios. Blue hat: Matthew: For me I have learned or gained many information about ratios and we also pretty much learned and experienced of how to make a smoothie because we haven’t don’t a he summative task.

14 Resc ● ●From the teachers and friends. ●From making the smoothie. ● easy-chocolate-smoothie/ easy-chocolate-smoothie/

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