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Food Webs! By: Yesenia Sanchez. This is the food web.

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Presentation on theme: "Food Webs! By: Yesenia Sanchez. This is the food web."— Presentation transcript:

1 Food Webs! By: Yesenia Sanchez

2 This is the food web.

3 What’s a food web? The food web I saw had many species. But there was two species that didn’t get eaten. I guess they’re meat eaters. So that means they don’t get eaten unless they’re bigger. The first level are plants, the second level are plant eaters, and the third level is the Meat Eater. The food webs always have these. Plus a food web is a list of animals that eat each other in a form of a web.

4 Bacteria.ewww Bacteria is like germs. Except bugs like worms eat them. That’s probley why your parents don’t what you to get bugs. It can spread around almost like a flu to get you sick. So don’t touch rotting logs,earthworms,millipeads,dead leaves, and dead animals.

5 What will happen? Well I took out the bacteria. So what will happen to the food web. Well the earthworm will die out. But not the millipede because it eats puffballs, and I believe that the robin won’t die out because it can eat millipedes. Well that’s all I have to say. Goodbye.

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