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NIGHT Please take notes in your photo journal.. NIGHT The night assignment requires exposure experimentation. The more experience you have with shooting.

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Presentation on theme: "NIGHT Please take notes in your photo journal.. NIGHT The night assignment requires exposure experimentation. The more experience you have with shooting."— Presentation transcript:

1 NIGHT Please take notes in your photo journal.

2 NIGHT The night assignment requires exposure experimentation. The more experience you have with shooting at night, the more predictable your aperture and shutter speeds will be.

3 For many of you, this will be your first time shooting at night, and therefore, you will need to be patient and experiment.

4 You will need to use your meter, and start at f/3.5 or wider. The final settings will depend on what effect you are trying to achieve. Read page 209-213 in the textbook for further information on technique.

5 Keep in mind that because you are working in low light situations, you will need long exposures. To prevent camera shake, use a tripod and a cable release. The wider the aperture, the more light you’ll be letting through the lens, but it also reduces your depth of field. You need to make that creative choice.

6 It helps to occasionally work with “bracketing” when making guesstimated” exposures. Read page 127 for further information.

7 You will need to include the following subjects when you shoot: Light drawing- Buildings- Human motion -Traffic- Window Signs- Full Moon -Reflections These subjects may be combined to meet the requirements.

8 Don’t always trust your meter. Use your experience to determine if you want movement or not. Movement required longer shutter speeds. Adjust your aperture as necessary.

9 B is bulb. Bulb allows you to have an endless exposure. Longer than what your shutter speed control allows you to set.

10 Use a tripod or other stable surface for all but the “Drawing” shots.



13 FULL MOON Feb. 18th if visible You will need to include the following subjects when you shoot: Light drawing- Buildings Human motion -Traffic Window Signs- Moon and Reflections These subjects may be combined to meet the requirements.



16 Keep an exposure log, so you can measure your success at the conclusion of the assignment.


18 You will need to use your meter, but the final settings will depend on what effect you are trying to achieve.


20 Read page 209-213 in the textbook for further information on technique.


22 Keep in mind that because you are working in low light situations, you will need long exposures. To prevent camera shake, use a tripod and a cable release.


24 It helps to occasionally work with “bracketing” when making “guesstimated” exposures. Read page 127 for further information.


26 The wider the aperture, the more light you’ll be letting through the lens, but it also reduces your depth of field. You need to make that creative choice.





31 Non-Darkroom Assignment: Part 1- Review the many photographers from Photo 1. Find 4 of those photographers that used “Night” as a subject matter. Find an example of their “Night” work *Create a 16x22” poster for the examples. Include the title of the piece, the year it was completed and the artists name underneath each example. *Craftsmanship counts, keep everything neat and professional looking.

32 Part 2- Find an artist that also uses “Night”, that we didn’t cover in Photo 1. You may do this by visiting the SEHS Library, ECC Art Library, and Gail Borden Library. Also search the Internet, magazine articles, and local bookstores. You will need to write a short biography (information sheet) and critique on your new artist, (2 pages total).

33 First Camera check out, THURSDAY MORNING 7:25 sign up Film is due for processing on March 1st.

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