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 PG 386 WARM UP. ALCOHOL  Alcohol is a drug! (Chemical substance that is taken to cause changes in a person’s body or behavior.)  Alcohol is a depressant!

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Presentation on theme: " PG 386 WARM UP. ALCOHOL  Alcohol is a drug! (Chemical substance that is taken to cause changes in a person’s body or behavior.)  Alcohol is a depressant!"— Presentation transcript:

1  PG 386 WARM UP


3  Alcohol is a drug! (Chemical substance that is taken to cause changes in a person’s body or behavior.)  Alcohol is a depressant! (Drug that slows the brain and body reactions.) ◦ Think about a movie you’ve seen where someone was “drunk”, how were they acting?  Not all alcoholic beverages contain the same amount of alcohol. (see top pg. 375)

4  The attitudes of peers: drinking to fit in, because they think all of their classmates are doing it.( Good and Bad influences)  Family: If your parents or older siblings are big drinkers you a much more likely to drink as well.(heredity)  Media: Constant advertisements, makes drinking seem “cool”, sex apeal.

5  Being injured or killed in a motor vehicle crash.  Committing or being victim of sexual assault or other violence  Long-term brain damage  Problems with alcohol later in life  Suspension from school, sports teams, or other school activities.  Trouble with the law!!

6  INTOXICATION: The state in which a person’s mental and physical abilities are impaired by alcohol or another substance.  See pg. 381 for effects on different body systems. ◦ Ex: Passed at a stop light ◦ BLACKOUT: Period of time that the drinker cannot recall but was seen walking, talking, and seemingly in control.

7  B.A.C: The amount of alcohol in a persons blood, expressed as a percentage.  FACTORS AFFECTING BAC: ◦ Rate of consumption: liver metabolizes 1-1.5 oz. Per hour ◦ Gender: Males=generally lower BAC (efficient/bloodstream) ◦ Body Size: Smaller people feel the effects more ◦ Amount of food in the stomach: empty stomach=increased absorption ◦ After Drinking Ends/Hangovers ◦ *Brainstom* what are some rumors/myths of “sobering up” ◦ Nausea, Headache, upset stomach, noise sensitivity

8  Motor Vehicle Crashes: Driving While Intoxicated. Zero Tolerance Laws.- Penalties for DWI ◦ -California DWI story  Alcohol involved in 40% of vehicle crashes  Overdose: Taking an excessive amount of a drug that leads to coma or death. (Your heart and breathing may stop)  Binge Drinking: Consumption of excessive amounts of alcohol at one sitting. ◦ -How can people overdose is they pass out?  Interactions With Other Drugs – Can double the effect of drugs. (sleeping pills)

9  Brain Damage: memory, ability to concentrate, ability to make sound judgments.  Teenage drinking and brain development  Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Group of birth defects caused by the effects of alcohol on an unborn child.  Birth defects, mental retardation, heart defects, malformed faces, delayed growth and motor development.  Liver Damage  Interferes with the livers ability to metabolize fat, liver fills with fat and blocks the flow of blood in the liver, which cause the cells to die and form scar tissue called Cirrhosis-leads to liver failure, liver disease, death.  Heart Disease  LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH IN US  Digestive Problems  Cancers of; mouth, tongue, esophagus, stomach. Recurring diarrhea, and idigestion, heartburn, and ulcers

10  *People who can no longer control their use of alcohol suffer from the disease known as alcoholism.  Stages: ◦ Problem drinking- using alcohol to escape from problems ◦ Absolute dependence- totally dependent, dominates life, ◦ Late stage of alcoholism- lose mental, emotional, physical help.

11  Acknowledging the problem  Detoxification: removing all alcohol from a persons body  Rehabilitation: process of learning to cope with everyday living without alcohol.  Support Groups: Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

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