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 This Day in History: 1921: The Italian Communist Party was founded.  Learning Target: I can understand Holocaust survivors’ experiences.  Opener: Brainstorm:

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Presentation on theme: " This Day in History: 1921: The Italian Communist Party was founded.  Learning Target: I can understand Holocaust survivors’ experiences.  Opener: Brainstorm:"— Presentation transcript:

1  This Day in History: 1921: The Italian Communist Party was founded.  Learning Target: I can understand Holocaust survivors’ experiences.  Opener: Brainstorm: What do you know about the Holocaust?





6  Go to CNN’s “Voices of Auschwitz” site  Choose one of the survivor’s stories to read/watch  Write a summary of the story, including: Who is the story about? Where did the story take place? How is the story connected to the Holocaust? If the story is about a survivor, what were their most significant memories from the Holocaust? Why is the story important?

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