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MTM WORK, Inc. The Medication Therapy Management well done at the right price 12/9/2015EXPO-34 Unit 4 - Olivier Wamain.

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Presentation on theme: "MTM WORK, Inc. The Medication Therapy Management well done at the right price 12/9/2015EXPO-34 Unit 4 - Olivier Wamain."— Presentation transcript:

1 MTM WORK, Inc. The Medication Therapy Management well done at the right price 12/9/2015EXPO-34 Unit 4 - Olivier Wamain

2 The Context 12/9/2015EXPO-34 Unit 4 - Olivier Wamain

3 What is Medication Therapy Management a.k.a. MTM? Medication Therapy Management is a pharmacist-led comprehensive review of a patient’s treatment 12/9/2015EXPO-34 Unit 4 - Olivier Wamain

4 What is MTM? 12/9/2015EXPO-34 Unit 4 - Olivier Wamain Medication Therapy Management (MTM) is a pharmacist-led comprehensive review of a patient’s treatment.

5 What does MTM provide? MTM-pharmacist identifies drug-problems related to: Appropriateness Safety Effectiveness Compliance Cost MTM-Pharmacist recommends solutions to resolve these problems 12/9/2015EXPO-34 Unit 4 - Olivier Wamain

6 The Trend 12/9/2015EXPO-34 Unit 4 - Olivier Wamain 1. Population is aging and taking more drugs. 2. Medicare population is increasing. 3. Medicare mandates MTM for patients with severity criteria.

7 12/9/2015EXPO-34 Unit 4 - Olivier Wamain The Gap

8 12/9/2015EXPO-34 Unit 4 - Olivier Wamain Characteristics Type of MTM Basic ComprehensiveBasic - Punctual MTM provider Pharmacy interns Computers algorithms Pharmacists only At-home pharmacists Retail pharmacists Focus CMS compliance CMS compliance Patient outcomes Patient outcomes CMS compliance (Partial) Cost $$$$$$$$$$$$ Clients Health Plans Health Plans Retail pharmacists Retail pharmacists Retail pharmacists The Players

9 12/9/2015EXPO-34 Unit 4 - Olivier Wamain MTM WORK, Inc.

10 The Keys to Success: MTM Work, Inc. Software 12/9/2015EXPO-34 Unit 4 - Olivier Wamain Drugs Patient data Therapy guideline Laboratory results Patient Outcome

11 The Keys to Success: Enhance pharmacists time Productivity Pharmacist Time 12/9/2015EXPO-34 Unit 4 - Olivier Wamain

12 The People Patients Healthcare professionals Health Plans 12/9/2015EXPO-34 Unit 4 - Olivier Wamain

13 The Products and Prices 12/9/2015EXPO-34 Unit 4 - Olivier Wamain

14 12/9/2015EXPO-34 Unit 4 - Olivier Wamain The Proposal

15 Your Mission: 12/9/2015EXPO-34 Unit 4 - Olivier Wamain Join me in this project and together we can rule the MTM world!

16 Your Rewards 12/9/2015EXPO-34 Unit 4 - Olivier Wamain 1 st year Financial forecast MTM WORK, Inc. Software MTM WORK, Inc. Comprehensive MTM WORK, Inc. Unlimited Total Volume 5000/month16,000/month200/month Revenues $294,410$1,575,796$2,385,181$4,255,387 Expenses $3,163,390 Gross Profit (before taxes) $1,091,997 This estimation assumes a 5% per month growth during the first year.

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