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ATP: Adenosine Triphosphate The energy currency for cells.

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2 ATP: Adenosine Triphosphate The energy currency for cells

3 Do Now: Distinguish between mitochondria and chloroplast. Differentiate between active and passive transport. Homework: Read 8.2 & 8.3 AND Complete worksheets

4 The energy cells need is stored in chemicals. Glucose

5 ATP is the energy currency cells can utilize.

6 Energy is stored within the phosphate bonds of ATP.

7 Removing a phosphate (through hydrolysis) releases energy for cellular work. Energy

8 In phosphorylation, a phosphate is given to a molecule/structure, thus transferring energy.

9 ATP is needed for muscle movement, cell transport and chemical reactions.

10 The ATP molecule (matter) is recyclable, but energy must be constantly supplied by food or sunlight.

11 ATP is needed for your cells to carry out work. You need energy from ATP for all sorts of activities! Activity kcal/hr (150 lbs pers)

12 2 types of energy in living things Autotrophs- organisms that get their energy directly from the sun. –Examples: Heterotroph- Organisms that eat food to obtain their energy. –Examples: ALL energy begins with the sun! How does a heterotroph get energy from the sun?



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