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Topic 38 THE UNION WINS!. After his win at Vicksburg, Lincoln makes him the head of the entire Union Army. The Wilderness Campaign – Grant leads troops.

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1 Topic 38 THE UNION WINS!

2 After his win at Vicksburg, Lincoln makes him the head of the entire Union Army. The Wilderness Campaign – Grant leads troops through the forests of Virginia and attacks Confederates in a series of battles. Wins some, loses some, but KEEPS GOING – doesn’t back down or stop. Goal was to take Richmond, but that never happens. GENERAL U.S. GRANT

3 May-December 1864 “Union General William Tecumseh Sherman launched a plan to destroy railroads, farms and industry in the south. From Tennessee, through Atlanta, Georgia to Savannah, Georgia. Total War!”: Burned and destroyed everything in his path. Worked, but created deep resentment and hatred amongst southerners. Lincoln wins reelection in 1864 in part because of Sherman’s success. SHERMAN’S MARCH TO THE SEA


5 Sherman led his troops up the coast from Savannah to North Carolina Grant’s and Sherman’s Armies had Lee’s Troops surrounded by April of 1865. April 9, 1865: Lee surrenders to Grant at Appomattox Courthouse in Virginia. Union was gracious – southern soldiers were fed, kept their horses and were sent home peacefully. FORCING THE SURRENDER

6 620,000 men DEAD. Another 530,000 men WOUNDED. In 1865 dollars, the total was cost $6 BILLION. In today’s money, that is $7.2 TRILLION. 5 Days after the surrender, Lincoln is assassinated by John Wilkes Booth. THE AFTERMATH OF THE CIVIL WAR

7 Process of readmitting the former Confederate states into the Union. Lincoln’s plan was the Ten Percent Plan: If 10% of the citizens agreed to the terms, they were readmitted. Terms: Slavery was outlawed Swear Oath of Loyalty to the USA. RECONSTRUCTION

8 13 th Amendment: Made slavery illegal throughout the entire USA. 14 th Amendment: all those born in US are US Citizens; guarantees equal protection under the law. 15 th Amendment: gave African American people the right to vote. THE SLAVERY AMENDMENTS

9 Black Codes – laws that limited what black people were allowed to do. Work contracts Curfews Couldn’t rent property Thrown in jail if they didn’t have a job Literacy or property requirements to vote Many other attempts throughout the country. Ku Klux Klan is established as a way to scare African Americans. ATTEMPTS TO SEGREGATE AND ISOLATE FORMER SLAVES

10 Freedmen’s Bureau – provided financial help to those newly freed slaves in the south. Forty Acres and a Mule – breaking up of the large plantations and giving them to newly freed families. Some blacks hold small political offices. Established more schools in the south. ATTEMPTS AT INTEGRATING FORMER SLAVES

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