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LOGICAL FALLACIES.  What is a logical fallacy? A logical fallacy is a mistake made when arguing a claim or argument because the speaker/author has incorrectly.

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Presentation on theme: "LOGICAL FALLACIES.  What is a logical fallacy? A logical fallacy is a mistake made when arguing a claim or argument because the speaker/author has incorrectly."— Presentation transcript:


2  What is a logical fallacy? A logical fallacy is a mistake made when arguing a claim or argument because the speaker/author has incorrectly used information to support why he/she has the correct viewpoint.  The effect of the logical fallacy is that it can weaken the claim or argument.  In other words…a fallacy is an error in reasoning. Typically, a fallacy is based on an incorrect inference or misuse of evidence. LOGICAL FALLACY

3 Irrelevant Authority (Appeal to commonly held opinion) A claim or argument that something is true because many people believe it to be true. Example: “Mom, why can’t I get my tongue pierced? Everyone else is doing it.” 1 ST LOGICAL FALLACY

4  False Dilemma  A choice that presents only two options when there is really at least one other option. Example: “America: Love it or leave it”. 2 ND LOGICAL FALLACY

5 Appeal to Pity An appeal that relies on emotion instead of evidence. Example: “I should receive an ‘A’ in this class. After all, if I don’t get an ‘A’ I won’t get the car that I want.” 3 RD LOGICAL FALLACY

6 Ad Hominem (Personal Attack) Disparaging remarks about a person used instead of evidence against the other person’s position. Example: Student: “Hey, Mrs. Smith, we shouldn’t have to read this short story by Edgar Allen Poe. Everyone knows he was a drunk.” 4 TH LOGICAL FALLACY

7  Hasty Generalization  A conclusion drawn from insufficient evidence. Example: “I know this will be a horrible class. They tell me the teacher is old. Old teachers are unable to talk with today’s high school students.” 5 TH LOGICAL FALLACY

8  Moral Equivalence  This fallacy compares minor misdeeds with major atrocities. Example: “That parking attendant who gave me a ticket is as bad as Hitler.” 6 TH LOGICAL FALLACY

9  Red Herring  Introducing a topic not related to the subject at hand. Example: “I know your car isn't working right. But, if you had gone to the store one day earlier, you'd not be having problems.” 7 TH LOGICAL FALLACY

10  Appeal to Hypocrisy (tu quoque)  One attempts to defend oneself or another from criticism by turning the critique back against the accuser.  Example: “Wilma: You cheated on your income tax. Don't you realize that's wrong? Walter: Hey, wait a minute. You cheated on your income tax last year. Or have you forgotten?” 8 TH LOGICAL FALLACY

11  Bandwagon Appeals (ad populum)  Trying to get everyone on board. Example: "Since Harvard, Stanford, and Berkeley have all added a multicultural component to their graduation requirements, Notre Dame should get with the future." 9 TH LOGICAL FALLACY

12  Straw Man  The arguer sets up a weak version of the opponent’s position and tries to score points by knocking it down. Example: “We know that evolution is false because we did not evolve from monkeys.” 10 TH LOGICAL FALLACY

13  Slippery Slope  Suggests that one step will inevitably lead to more, eventually negative steps. Example: "We have to stop the tuition increase! The next thing you know, they'll be charging $40,000 a semester!" 11 TH LOGICAL FALLACY

14  Fallacy of Composition (Part-to-Whole)  Inferring that something is true of the whole from the fact that it is true of some part of the whole. Example: “Each brick in that building weighs less than a pound. Therefore, the building weighs less than a pound.” 12 TH LOGICAL FALLACY

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