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School education School education МОУ гимназия №7 им. Воронцова В.М. Учитель: Огурцова Н.В.

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Presentation on theme: "School education School education МОУ гимназия №7 им. Воронцова В.М. Учитель: Огурцова Н.В."— Presentation transcript:

1 School education School education МОУ гимназия №7 им. Воронцова В.М. Учитель: Огурцова Н.В.

2 School School What does the word “School” mean for you?

3 Match the words:

4 Our Gymnasia

5 Our gymnasya has a history of 50 years. It`s a school for about 1000 pupils. We study different subjects, such as: Art, Biology, Russian, English, German, Geography, History, Mathematics, Misic, Physical Education, Physics, Information Technology. It`s not easy to study in our school, but quite interesting. The school encourages students who are fond of playing musical instruments, singing and sport.

6 We have good traditions at our school. We remember Victor Vorontsov. Evenings of memory are held every year.

7 And of course we love sport! The favourite sports are football, basketball, chess, volleyball. There is also active tourism club. The uniform is a blue jacket and a white shirt.

8 Hampton Private School (the UK) Listen to the text and complete the sentences: 1. Hampton School is a school for… 2. It is situated in the town of… 3. The students study several foreign languages: 4. The favourite sports are: 5. The uniform is a…

9 Two students from the USA came to see us here in Voronezh. Ask them our questions about their school life.

10 Fill in the table The USA The UK Russia uniform sports non – academicactivities

11 “Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that.” (Norman Vincent Peale)

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