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World War 1 Historical Thinking Questions. Essential Question Why did the US Enter World War 1?

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Presentation on theme: "World War 1 Historical Thinking Questions. Essential Question Why did the US Enter World War 1?"— Presentation transcript:

1 World War 1 Historical Thinking Questions

2 Essential Question Why did the US Enter World War 1?

3 World War 1 Militarism, Nationalism, Imperialism Triple Entente (France, Russian, Britain, Italy) Central Powers (Germany, Austro-Hungary)

4 Trench Warfare

5 US Neutral until 1917

6 Essential Question Were critics of World War 1 anti- American?

7 Opposition to the War Socialists, Pacifists, Anarchists, Unions.

8 Opposition to the War Socialists, Pacifists, Anarchists, Unions.

9 What was the purpose of the war? Wilson: “The World must be made safe for Democracy” Anarchists, Unions, Socialists believed that the war was to make the world safe for……..?

10 What brought the US into War? Zimmerman Telegram

11 What brought the US into War? Sinking of the Lusitania German submarine warfare.

12 Committee on Public Information

13 Espionage Act (1917) Sedition Act (1918) Suppressed Anti-British, Pro-German, and anti- war opinions. <1500 people convicted and went to jail

14 Essential Question Why did congress reject the League of Nations?

15 Treaty of Versailles Germany to pay for the damage of the war. Wilson wanted to “end all wars.” Germany shouldn’t loose their colonies.

16 Fourteen Points Plan 14 th Point: Create the League of Nations International organization to solve conflicts between Nations Europe rejected all 13 points

17 But back in the US… Congress refused to ratify the Treaty. Henry Cabot Lodge (R) lead opposition.

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