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R ICHLAND O PERATIONS O FFICE Hanford Site 2008 FIMS/Real Estate Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "R ICHLAND O PERATIONS O FFICE Hanford Site 2008 FIMS/Real Estate Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 R ICHLAND O PERATIONS O FFICE Hanford Site 2008 FIMS/Real Estate Workshop

2 Richland Operations Office Hanford Site - Overview

3 Quick Facts  Mission (RL/ORP)  Clean up legacy waste  Overall Site  Acquired in 1943  586-Square Miles  51 miles of River  6 % developed  260-Square Miles of National Monument

4 Richland Operations Office Hanford Site - Overview Quick Facts  Buildings  677 buildings  256 trailers  Infrastructure  116 miles of roads  225 miles of electrical distribution lines  104 miles of water lines  55 miles of active railroad

5 R ICHLAND O PERATIONS O FFICE Real Estate 2008 FIMS/Real Estate Workshop

6 Richland Operations Office Real Estate What’s New – Highlights  Mike Elsen hired as a Realty Specialist  Currently working towards his certification in leasing  Working on FIMS, TYSP and leasing activities  Established specific criteria and requirements for Contractor’s procurement of lease space  Existing multiple prime contractors onsite  New prime contractors coming on line  Resolution of trespasses and encroachments  BLM completed land survey 2005/2006

7 Richland Operations Office Real Estate What’s New – Highlights  Land Management issues associate with Rattlesnake Mountain (elevation 3400 feet)  Protection of cultural and ecological resource verses continue use of mountain by federal, state and private entities for communication facilities  NHPA Section 106 reviews – traditional cultural property that is important to the Mid-Columbia Tribes is a consideration for planned actions  Ongoing maintenance cost for road access for non-DOE activities

8 Richland Operations Office Real Estate What’s New – Highlights  B-Reactor  Consideration for National Historic Landmark status  Built in 1944 as a Manhattan Project facility  First reactor built on the Hanford Site  Listed in the National Register of Historic Places  Transfers  Considering a potential 1000-acre transfer to the Port of Benton

9 Richland Operations Office Real Estate What’s New – Highlights  Hanford Site Comprehensive Land Use Plan Environmental Impact Statement  Near completion of a NEPA Supplement Analysis to determine if the existing EIS remains adequate, or whether a new EIS, or a supplement of the EIS should be prepared  Management of Information and Records  FIMS and TYSP

10 R ICHLAND O PERATIONS O FFICE FIMS Status update 2008 FIMS/Real Estate Workshop

11 Richland Operations Office FRPC Data Validation History  June 2006 – Red Scorecard Rating  Initial Look at Government Owned Buildings  September 2006 – Green Scorecard Rating  Government Owned Buildings  January 2007 – Green Scorecard Rating  Government Owned Buildings  January 2008 - Green Scorecard Rating  Government Owned Buildings and Trailers

12 Richland Operations Office FRPC Data Validation Look Ahead  Currently Working to Establish a Common Link Between OSF Records and Existing Property Database Systems  In Certain Cases, Mapping Multiple Property Records into One Grouped OSF  Once OSF Records are Linked, Source Documentation Can Be Developed

13 Richland Operations Office Other Recent FIMS Activities  Preliminary Leadership in Environmental & Energy Design (LEED) and Transactional Energy Action Management (TEAM) Evaluations  Established a New Process for Updating and Maintaining Disposition Data in FIMS  Population of All DOE and Contractor Leases in FIMS

14 R ICHLAND O PERATIONS O FFICE TYSP Status update 2008 FIMS/Real Estate Workshop

15 Richland Operations Office TYSP Success Stories FIMS  In Support of the TYSP Development:  Improved data quality of the Lease data elements  Improved data quality of the Disposition data elements IFI Crosscut Budget  The TYSP facilitated a more thorough review of the IFI Crosscut Budget submittal

16 Richland Operations Office TYSP Success Stories Certified Lifecycle Baseline  TYSP was the first planning document written to the new 2050 Certified Lifecycle Baseline. Integration and Data Consistency  TYSP development facilitated integration of multiple Hanford Site departments, programs and projects, both within RL and ORP.  Integration resulted in data consistency – multiple databases.

17 Richland Operations Office TYSP Success Stories Elimination of Quarterly Disposition Plan Requirements:  Accuracy and consistency of updating FIMS has helped to eliminate the need for EM sites to produce a quarterly disposition report for OECM.  EM and OECM can now pull the data directly from FIMS.

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