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Presentation on theme: "Interest Groups and Lobbying PARTICIPATION IN GOVERNMENT JOHNSTOWN HIGH SCHOOL MR. COX."— Presentation transcript:


2 Interest Groups Past and Present: The “Mischiefs of Faction” A Nation of Interests The founders of the Republic referred to what are present day interest groups as Factions. James Madison foresaw “factions” as an inevitable development, with tendency toward “instability and injustice.” Interest groups are also sometimes called “special interests.”

3 Interest Groups Past and Present: The “Mischiefs of Faction” Social Movements – a large body of people who are interested in a common issue, idea, or concern that is of continuing significance and who are willing to take action to support or oppose it. Interest groups sometimes begin as movements. Social movements represent groups that has felt unrepresented by government. How do they differ? Interest groups usually work within the framework of government and employ tactics such as lobbying to achieve their goals. Movements seek to change attitudes or institutions, not just policies.

4 The Influence of Lobbyists Who are the Lobbyists? A person or persons employed by and acting for an organized interest group or corporation to try to influence policy decisions and positions in the executive and legislative branches. What do Lobbyists Do? Engage in activities aimed at influencing public officials, especially legislators and the policies they enact. Lobbyists primarily provide money for campaigns.

5 Who Are the Lobbyists? former public servants. experienced in government. often go to work for one of the interests they dealt with while in government. What Do Lobbyists Do? Many lobbyists participate in issue networks or relationships among interest groups, congressional committees, subcommittees, and government agencies that share a common policy concern.

6 The Influence of Lobbyists What Do Lobbyists Do? (cont.) Interest groups sometimes attempt to influence legislators and regulators by going directly to the people and urging them to contact public officials. Interest groups seek to influence politics and public policy by spending money on elections in several ways. to candidates for their election campaigns, especially in contested races. to political parties. to other interest groups. to the members of their group, including employees. Money and Politics

7 Union Membership in the U.S. Compared to Other Countries

8 Labor Force and Union Membership 1930-2010

9 Types of Interest Groups (continued) Economic Interest Groups (continued) Professional Associations – professional associations with shared interests. Examples: American Medical Association, American Bar Association, American Federation of Teachers, American Realtors Assoc. Ideological or Single-Issue Interest Groups Public Interest Groups (PIRGs) Seek to influence policy on Capitol Hill and in several state legislatures on environmental issues, safe energy, and consumer protection. Foreign Policy Interest Groups Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs )

10 Types of Interest Groups Economic Interest Groups Business – large corporations, including multinationals Trade and Other Associations – businesses with similar interests join together as associations which are as diverse as the product and services they provide. Labor – workers’ associations with shared interests, ranging from professional standards to wage and working conditions. Examples: American Farm Bureau Federation, United Farm Workers Association, AFL-CIO. Open shops – union membership cannot required Closed shops – union membership can be required Free riders – individual not in the union but who benefits from union activity.

11 The Christian Coalition distributes voter guides before elections as one means of influencing politics Types of Interest Groups: Ideological or Single-Interest Groups

12 The National Rifle Association 36 million members Offers a wide array of material benefits like insurance and magazines One of the most influential lobbying groups in D.C. AARP : The Nation’s Most Powerful Interest Group

13 Types of Interest Groups: Public Interest Groups Ralph Nader - Ran for president as Green Party candidate in 1996 and 2000 and as independent in 2004 Foreign Policy Interest Groups Council on Foreign Relations American-Israel Political Action Committee Public Sector Interest Groups National Governors Association National League of Cities National Educational Association

14 Types of Interest Groups (continued) Government & Government Employee Interest Groups Governments are themselves important interest groups. Government employees form a large and well-organized group. Public employees are increasingly important to organized labor because they constitute the fastest-growing unions. Other Interest Groups Veteran’s groups Nationality groups Religious organizations Environmental groups


16 Major Organized Interest Groups

17 Size and Resources Incentive to participate Cohesiveness Leadership Techniques Publicity and Mass Media Appeals Mass Mailing Direct Contact with Government Federal Register – an official document, published every weekday, listing the new and proposed regulations of executive departments and regulatory agencies. Organized groups have ready access to this to influence Congress. Characteristics and Power of Interest Groups

18 Techniques (continued) Litigation Amicus curiae (“friends of the court”) briefs – filed by an individual or organization to present arguments in addition to those presented by the immediate parties to a case. Election Activities Forming a Political Party Cooperative Lobbying Protest Candidate Support Characteristics and Power of Interest Groups



21 Other Techniques


23  “Amazing, the man makes a fortune as a crooked lobbyist then once he's caught he spins himself as this naive fool who innocently got caught up in a game he didn't completely understand. And from this he continues to make a fortune on books and lectures! Talk about a spin king. He should be shot for treason.”

24 Money and Politics The Growth of Political Action Committees PACs PACs – the political arm of an interest group that is legally entitled to raise funds on a voluntary basis from members, stockholders, or employees in order to contribute to favored candidates or political parties. Types of PACs: Corporations Trade and health organizations Labor unions Ideological organizations

25 PAC Contributions to Congressional Candidates 1998–2008. Contributions to Candidates for U.S. Congress, 1975–2008 (in Millions).

26 Essential Question How do Conservatives and Liberals represent contrasting American political ideologies? Homework Write Summary of your own political ideology according to the quiz we previously took.


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