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Chapter 9. Nomination Deciding to run ◦ Toll (other countries 2 months/U.S. is over a year) Getting delegates ◦ National party convention  Smoke filled.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 9. Nomination Deciding to run ◦ Toll (other countries 2 months/U.S. is over a year) Getting delegates ◦ National party convention  Smoke filled."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 9

2 Nomination Deciding to run ◦ Toll (other countries 2 months/U.S. is over a year) Getting delegates ◦ National party convention  Smoke filled rooms vs. today  Superdelegates ◦ Caucuses and Primaries  Caucus-Town Hall Meeting/Iowa/Make or Break  Primary-Voters go to the polls/Most/New Hampshire  Frontloading  States determine how delegates get allocated

3 Primaries (cont.) Criticisms ◦ Too much attention to early caucuses ◦ Too much time ◦ Money-have to spend so much right away ◦ Low turnout ◦ Media too powerful National Primary?

4 Conventions Today-just for show Platform ◦ Goals ◦ Policies

5 Campaign Manager Fundraiser Counsel (legal) Staff (down) Logistics (travel) Research/Policy advisers Pollsters Press Sec. Tech advisor (huge now)

6 Campaign Finance Federal Election Campaign Act (74) ◦ FEC ◦ Limits ind. contribution Buckley v. Valeo ◦ Ind. limits unconstitutional McCain Feingold ◦ Limits soft money (party building) ◦ Corps and Unions can’t pay for electioneering Citizen United ◦ Corps and Unions ban unconstitutional

7 Campaign Finance Results 527s (loophole) 501 (loophole) PACs ◦ Political Action Committee  Fundraising arm of Interest Groups ◦ Super PACs  Same but with money from Corps or Unions

8 Conclusion All this makes campaigns expensive Campaigns reinforce and activate/rarely convert (selective perception) Too democratic?




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