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Brown County Community Treatment Center NIATx 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Brown County Community Treatment Center NIATx 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brown County Community Treatment Center NIATx 2015

2 Identified pattern of re-admissions 2014- 14% 30 day re-admission rate 54% were alcohol related 32% were behavioral or due to homelessness Average length of stay was 1-3 days.

3 Problems with limiting re-admits Almost all the re-admits were EM1’s Brown County contracts out our Crisis Services. No accountability for the EM1’s Brown County owns the psychiatric hospital. Once crisis and police implement an EM1 we must take them.

4 Ideas Hold monthly meetings with outpatient, crisis center and inpatient to review re-admits to draw attention to inappropriate admits and associate a cost to these admits. Engage outpatient for those chronic re-admits and develop other safety plans.

5 Your ideas? We do not receive the same type of admissions from other counties. How does your county defer re-admissions? How do you handle intoxicated individuals when they are making suicidal comments?

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