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In Warsaw you can see a lot of interesting things.

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Presentation on theme: "In Warsaw you can see a lot of interesting things."— Presentation transcript:

1 In Warsaw you can see a lot of interesting things.

2 In my opinion you need to see Royal Castel and Tomb of the Unknow Soldier. In Warsaw there are a lot of monuments. One of them is a palace which is called Wilanów is one of the most valuable monuments in the Polish Baroqe period.

3 You can see Syrenka Warszawska and monument of the best Polish composer = F.Chopin

4 In Warsaw you can go to the cinema, theat er or do the shopping. Warsaw is the town where evrybody can find something to eat.

5 There are a lot of good restaurants.

6 In Warsaw are organised festivals from different countries. Warsaw is very interesting town and everybody should visit capital of Poland.

7 Wykona ł a: Aneta Mróz

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