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FederalistsDemocratic-Republicans rule by the peoplerule by the wealthy emphasis on agriculturestrong State gov. Jeffersonstrong Federal gov. Hamilton.

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Presentation on theme: "FederalistsDemocratic-Republicans rule by the peoplerule by the wealthy emphasis on agriculturestrong State gov. Jeffersonstrong Federal gov. Hamilton."— Presentation transcript:

1 FederalistsDemocratic-Republicans rule by the peoplerule by the wealthy emphasis on agriculturestrong State gov. Jeffersonstrong Federal gov. Hamilton emphasis on manufacturing

2 To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof. What kind of power does that give our government? Think-Pair-Share


4 When has the Elastic Clause been used? Creation of a National Bank Purchase of Louisiana Territory



7 1.Why was it important for the United States to pay off its war debt? 2.What was Hamilton’s 3-step plan to pay off the nation’s debt? 3.What benefit did the protective tariff give the American economy? 4.Why did Hamilton think it was important to have a national bank?

8 Alexander Hamilton's Economic Plan Step 1: Repay the Debt Step 2: National BankStep 3: Whiskey TaxStep 4: Protective Tariff Step 1: Repay the Debt Pay off the Federal Debt which includes taking on all states’ debt to improve US credit Step 2: National Bank Create a US Bank to hold tax money, produce a US Dollar, and make loans Step 3: Whiskey Tax Tax whiskey and other luxury items to raise money to pay off debt Step 4: Protective Tariff Create a high TARIFF to protect American manufacturers from foreign competition




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