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Discover Discovery Education It’s more than just videos! Martha Powell Roswell North Elementary School Roswell, Georgia

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2 Discover Discovery Education It’s more than just videos! Martha Powell Roswell North Elementary School Roswell, Georgia

3 I was SOOOO excited to have been selected to present at GLMA Summer Institute!

4 It all started here…. DENapalooza… And I was all excited and ready… And then…. Well, you know….

5 Close up of Girl Thinking Discovery Education,. Image. Discovery Education. Web. 5 June 2013.. I got to work… and started thinking…. And thinking…..

6 Close up of Girl Thinking Discovery Education,. Image. Discovery Education. Web. 5 June 2013.. And thinking A LOT more…

7 Ipads ISTE Standards Common Core ISTE-C Standards 21 st century learners Flipped classrooms NETS

8 Common Core ISTE-C Standards

9 DE: Not just videos… An Introduction to a topic: we all know the terms differentiated instruction… what about music? Songs …. The Continents Song!The Continents Song! and another one!another one!

10 DE: Not just videos… Differentiated: what about visual and creative? Writing Prompts – Personal Narrative: Pretend you are in a pumpkin carving contest and this is your entry! Write a story about what happens at the contest. Be sure to include descriptive details about your pumpkin head, how you carved it, and which pumpkin head wins the prize!

11 DE: Not just videos… Differentiated – what about audio? A spring board to Inquiry Based Learning Name This sound…. Did you know it is this?

12 DE: Not just videos… Did you guess this? What is the name? Who invented it? When? What footprint did it leave on American History? Students can create their own boards in DE with information they have gathered about any invention! Or hero, or event, or …..

13 DE: Not just videos… A picture is worth 1000 words!

14 DE: Not just videos … the ohh and ahh factor Descriptive writing Amphibians habitats An then there is a song of course…. adjectives

15 DE: Not just videos… Try this for a writing prompt? A science lesson?

16 DE: videos and a whole lot more!… Take a look: Be sure you have your district log in code so you can set up your personal log in

17 Karen Ogen DEN STAR- Ipad apps and DE Discovery Education, images and ipads: MANY M ANY ideas from DENstars including this presentation using images from DE students use apps to create Biographies with comic creators or blabborize Trading cards using an app from Read Write Think Order and sequencing of life cycles using Pic Collage…

18 DE: videos and a whole lot more!… Take a look: Differentiated: let kids do it! Give them a task, turn them loose in the student section and let them create their own boards with DE resources.

19 DE: videos and a whole lot more!… Start with curriculum topics GREAT ideas from the Teacher Center The Home page is the Launch Pad Blogs, Educator Network, SOS, Discovery Ed Channel on YouTube

20 DE: videos and a whole lot more!… More places for ideas…. Slide Share: DE: Beyond the Video Kati Searcy: 50 Ways to Use Streaming50 Ways to Use Streaming LiveBinder of DE Tips and Ideas Karen Ogen DEN STAR- Ipad apps and DE Karen Ogen DEN STAR- Ipad apps and DE


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