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Week 14 - Monday.  What did we talk about last time?  Heaps  Priority queues  Heapsort.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 14 - Monday.  What did we talk about last time?  Heaps  Priority queues  Heapsort."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 14 - Monday

2  What did we talk about last time?  Heaps  Priority queues  Heapsort





7  Pros:  Best, worst, and average case running time of O(n log n)  In-place  Good for arrays  Cons:  Not adaptive  Not stable

8  Make the array have the heap property: 1. Let i be the index of the parent of the last two nodes 2. Bubble the value at index i down if needed 3. Decrement i 4. If i is not less than zero, go to Step 2 1. Let pos be the index of the last element in the array 2. Swap index 0 with index pos 3. Bubble down index 0 4. Decrement pos 5. If pos is greater than zero, go to Step 2

9 7 7 45 0 0 54 37 108 51 7 7 45 108 54 37 0 0 51 7 7 54 108 45 37 0 0 51 108 54 51 45 37 0 0 7 7

10 108 54 51 45 37 0 0 7 7 51 45 0 0 7 7 37 54 108 45 37 0 0 7 7 51 54 108 37 7 7 0 0 45 51 54 108 7 7 0 0 37 45 51 54 108 0 0 7 7 37 45 51 54 108 54 45 51 7 7 37 0 0 108

11  Heap sort is a clever algorithm that uses part of the array to store the heap and the rest to store the (growing) sorted array  Even though a priority queue uses both bubble up and bubble down methods to manage the heap, heap sort only needs bubble down  You don't need bubble up because nothing is added to the heap, only removed



14  Timsort is a recently developed sorting algorithm used as the default sort in Python  It is also used to sort non-primitive arrays in Java  It's a hybrid sort, combining elements of merge sort and insertion sort  Features  Worst case and average case running time: O(n log n)  Best case running time: O(n)  Stable  Adaptive  Not in-place

15  It is similar to when we insertion sorted arrays of length 10 or smaller  We also want to find "runs" of data of two kinds:  Non-decreasing:34, 45, 58, 58, 91  Strictly decreasing:85, 67, 24, 18, 7  These runs are already sorted (or only need a reversal)  If runs are not as long as a minimum run length determined by the algorithm, the next few values are added in and sorted  Finally, the sorted runs are merged together  The algorithm can use a specially tuned galloping mode when merging from two lists  Essentially copying in bulk from one list when it knows that it won't need something from the other for a while

16  It might be useful to implement Timsort in class, but it has a lot of special cases  It was developed from both a theoretical perspective but also with a lot of testing  If you want to know more, read here:  Development/Algorithms/Timsort-Sorting- Algorithm/ Development/Algorithms/Timsort-Sorting- Algorithm/

17  Understanding how sorts work can be challenging  Understanding how running time is affected by various algorithms and data sets is not obvious  To help, there are many good visualizations of sorting algorithms in action:   risonSort.html risonSort.html


19  Lets focus on an unusual sort that lets us (potentially) get better performance than O(n log n)  But, I thought O(n log n) was the theoretical maximum!

20  You use counting sort when you know that your data is in a narrow range, like, the numbers between 1 and 10 or even 1 and 100  As long as the range of possible values is in the neighborhood of the length of your list, counting sort can do well  Example: 150 students with integer grades between 1 and 100  Doesn’t work for sorting double or String values

21  Make an array with enough elements to hold every possible value in your range of values  If you need 1 – 100, make an array with length 100  Sweep through your original list of numbers, when you see a particular value, increment the corresponding index in the value array  To get your final sorted list, sweep through your value array and, for every entry with value k > 0, print its index k times

22  We know our values will be in the range [1,10]  Our example array:  Our values array:  The result: 6 6 2 2 10 6 6 1 1 2 2 7 7 2 2 1 1 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 123456789 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 6 6 7 7


24  It takes O(n) time to scan through the original array  But, now we have to take into account the number of values we expect  So, let’s say we have m possible values  It takes O(m) time to scan back through the value array, with O(n) additional updates to the original array  Time: O(n + m)


26  We can “generalize” counting sort somewhat  Instead of looking at the value as a whole, we can look at individual digits (or even individual characters)  For decimal numbers, we would only need 10 buckets (0 – 9)  First, we bucket everything based on the least significant digits, then the second least, etc.  The book discusses MSD and LSD string sorts, which are similar

27  Pros:  Best, worst, and average case running time of O(nk) where k is the number of digits  Stable for least significant digit (LSD) version  Simple implementation  Cons:  Requires a fixed number of digits to be checked  Unstable for most significant digit (MSD) version  Works poorly for floating point and non-digit based keys  Not in-place

28  For integers, make 10 buckets (0-9)  Each bucket contains a queue  Starting with the 1’s place and going up a place each time:  Enqueue each item into the bucket whose value matches the value of the item at a particular place  Starting with bucket 0, and going up to bucket 9, dequeue all the items into the original array

29 7 7 45 0 0 54 37 108 51 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 0 0 7 7 45 54 37 108 51 0 0 54 45 7 7 37 108

30 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 0 0 51 54 45 7 7 37 108 0 0 51 54 45 7 7 37 108 0 0 7 7 37 45 51 54

31 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 108 0 0 51 54 45 7 7 37 0 0 7 7 108 37 45 51 54 0 0 7 7 108 37 45 51 54



34  Tries

35  Work on Project 4  Work on Assignment 7  Due when you return from Thanksgiving  Read section 5.2  Office hours are canceled today because of a visiting faculty candidate

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