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Spiritual Fitness Together Establishing 200 Salat Centers in 100 Days Department of Tarbiyat, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, USA Establishing 200 Salat Centers.

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Presentation on theme: "Spiritual Fitness Together Establishing 200 Salat Centers in 100 Days Department of Tarbiyat, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, USA Establishing 200 Salat Centers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spiritual Fitness Together Establishing 200 Salat Centers in 100 Days Department of Tarbiyat, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, USA Establishing 200 Salat Centers in 100 Days Department of Tarbiyat, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, USA

2 Mission & Target Mission o Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih has repeatedly urged members to establish congregational prayers in mosques, homes and local salat centers. In 2013, a detailed Majlis-e-Shura proposal was approved stating in part, "Encourage members to regularly offer congregational Salat in Mosques /Salat centers (especially if they live within 15-20 minute drive time) or at homes." Target o By Dec 31, 2013 Establish 200 Salat centers in 100 days (in 2013) o Further targets TBD Sustenance of the 200 Salat centers Creating new ones etc. etc.

3 What is a Salat Center? Location o Any place where at least two adults will meet and do congregational prayers once a day o All mosques by definition must be salat centers. Make sure to have at least one congregational prayer every day o Salat center can be a nook in someone’s home, shop or a rented place for the purpose Requisite o Space for at least two adult men to do prayers together

4 Methodology Mosque o All Mosque are Salat Centers o Identify people within 20 minutes from mosque. These members fall into Mosque salat group o Establish at least one daily prayer and sustain it Other Salat centers o Identify any member who can open up space for at least another adult, once a day for a prayer o Find at least one other adult member who can access this space daily o You have what you need for a Salat center o Establish one Salat center for every 30 members. A Jama'at of 100 members can target at least 3 salat centers, however this varies with the geographic distribution of the membership

5 Etiquettes of Salat Center Stay on purpose o The purpose of salat center is to facilitate congregational prayers o Members should perform wuzu at their own homes and proceed to the center o Come on time, not too early, but never late o After prayers, leave immediately Do not o Personally invite people. All members of the identified Salat center should be informed of the location and timing by the local Tarbiyat Secretary o Offer any meal / drink etc. before or after prayers. It can become a precedence and a burden for someone else offering their location for Salat center o Do not make any announcements regarding Jama’at unless so instructed by the local Tarbiyat Secretary o Engage in talks, discussions etc. before or after prayers

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