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By Roger and Franklin Spain. Location Spain is in the northern hemisphere and surrounded by seas. It is in Europe.

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Presentation on theme: "By Roger and Franklin Spain. Location Spain is in the northern hemisphere and surrounded by seas. It is in Europe."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Roger and Franklin Spain

2 Location Spain is in the northern hemisphere and surrounded by seas. It is in Europe.

3 Flag The colours of the Spainish flag are yellow, red, blue, pink, green, white and black.

4 Population Over 45 million

5 Language They speak Spanish, Catalan, Galican and Basque.

6 Traditional food. Tapas-these are shared plates of food. Spanish people enjoy eating and drinking with friends.

7 Native animals Has many mammals, including wolves, wildcats and foxes.

8 Plants Spain has plenty of trees and grass.

9 Climate The country gets very hot in summer and very cold and dry in winter.

10 religion Most Spanish people are Catholic.

11 FESTIVALS Music, dancing and soccer are important in Spanish culture. Bullfighting is popular.

12 CURRENCY Spanish people use Euro Dollars.

13 OTHER INFORMATION Spain also rules two citie in north Africa and the Canary islands in the Atlantic.

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