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Day Cecil Spring-Rice (1859-1918 ).

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Presentation on theme: "Day Cecil Spring-Rice (1859-1918 )."— Presentation transcript:

1 Day Cecil Spring-Rice ( )

2 What do you see during the day ?


4 What does the sea do ?

5 Making continents to be.
“ I am busy” said the sea. “I am busy,” think of me. 1 Making continents to be. “ I am busy,” said the sea 2

6 What does the rain do ?

7 “I am busy ,” said the rain .
“ When I fall It is not in Vain. 1 Wait and you will see the grain. “ I am busy,” said the rain . 2

8 What does the air do ?

9 “Blowing here and blowing there. Up and down and everywhere.
“I am busy,” said the air. “Blowing here and blowing there. 1 Up and down and everywhere. “I am busy,” said the air. 2

10 What does the sun do ?

11 Know my work is never done. “I am busy,” said the sun.
2 “I am busy,” said the sun. All my Planets, everyone, 1

12 Sea and rain and air and sun , Here’s a fellow toiler-one,
Whose task will soon be done.

13 What is the message of the poem “Day“ ?
Question : What is the message of the poem “Day“ ? A Project Use the internet to find at least one poem about the nature elements . Write out the poem and compare it to “ Day “ By Cecil Spring-Rice. Which poem do you prefer ? Why ?

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