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ELEMENTARY Washington Roosevelt Jackson Kennedy Lincoln Jefferson Johnson Adams Sullivan Rock Springs Miller Perry Holston Indian Springs Cedar Grove Brookside.

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Presentation on theme: "ELEMENTARY Washington Roosevelt Jackson Kennedy Lincoln Jefferson Johnson Adams Sullivan Rock Springs Miller Perry Holston Indian Springs Cedar Grove Brookside."— Presentation transcript:

1 ELEMENTARY Washington Roosevelt Jackson Kennedy Lincoln Jefferson Johnson Adams Sullivan Rock Springs Miller Perry Holston Indian Springs Cedar Grove Brookside Kingsley Central Heights

2 Sullivan Kingsley Brookside Rock Springs Miller Perry Holston Indian Springs Central Heights Blountville Mary Hughes Cedar Grove ELEMENTARY

3 Cumulative Elementary Schools / UGB + Existing Zone ELEMENTARYEnrollment Functional Capacity 2017/18 Current Functional Capacity Future Functional Capacity Andrew Johnson508500 101.6% Thomas Jefferson499500 99.8% George Washington512500 102.4% Abraham Lincoln435500 87.0% Andrew Jackson507500 101.4% John F. Kennedy316350 90.3% Theodore Roosevelt240250 96.0% John Adams228500 45.6% Subtotal City32453600 90.1% Miller Perry55264553785.6%83.3% Indian Springs48155049087.5%89.1% Rock Springs47355035486.0%64.4% Sullivan35242030383.8%72.1% Cedar Grove24527023590.7%86.9% Kingsley23531524074.6%76.3% Brookside19623020285.2%87.7% Subtotal County25342980236185.0%79.2% City/County total57796580 87.8% Holston31236530185.5%82.5% with Holston60916945 87.7%

4 Kingsport UGB – Elementary Schools Elementary SchoolUnits in UGBTotal UnitsEnrollment% Inside UGB Enrollment in UGB Enrollment Outside UGB John Adams1,691 228100.0%2280 Andrew Johnson3,085 508100.0%5080 Thomas Jefferson3,760 499100.0%4990 George Washington1,937 512100.0%5120 Abraham Lincoln3,101 435100.0%4350 Andrew Jackson3,491 507100.0%5070 John F. Kennedy2,701 316100.0%3160 Theodore Roosevelt1,458 240100.0%2400 Cedar Grove2,187 245100.0%2450 Rock Springs2,6882,83547394.8%44825 Indian Springs3,4413,77048191.3%43942 Miller Perry2,2823,93955257.9%320232 Sullivan1,6002,89035255.4%195157 Brookside8821,60619654.9%10888 Holston1943,0993126.3%20292 Kingsley1272,0752356.1%14221 Subtotal City Elementary 3,245 Subtotal County Elementary 2,846 1,7891,057 TOTAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 6,091 5,034 Current City Elementary Capacity 3,600 -1,434

5 Elementary* Between the city and county schools impacted by the Kingsport UGB, there are 5,779 elementary students City elementary schools are operating at a net 90.1% capacity County elementary schools are operating at a net 85% capacity 1,789 county elementary students live inside Kingsport’s UGB Kingsport would need 3 additional 500-pupil city elementary schools to accommodate these students 1,057 students would remain outside the Kingsport UGB attending schools with a functional capacity of 2,989 (or 35%) There is ample capacity between the 2 systems to accommodate all elementary students for the short and long-term future *Holston Elementary is not included in these calculations

6 MIDDLE & INTERMEDIATE Sullivan Middle Colonial Heights Ketron Intermediate Holston Middle Blountville Middle Sevier Robinson Mary Hughes Bluff City Vance

7 Cumulative Middle-Intermediate Schools / UGB + Existing Zone MIDDLEEnrollment Functional Capacity 2017/18 Current Functional Capacity Future Functional Capacity Sevier741800??? Robinson753800??? Subtotal City14941600 93.4% Colonial Heights57459146397.2%78.4% Ketron Intermediate42157041473.9%72.7% Sullivan18647214139.4%30.0% Subtotal County11811633 72.3% City/County total26753233 82.7% Holston43271837360.1%51.9% with Holston31073951 78.6%

8 Kingsport UGB – Middle/Intermediate Schools Middle/Intermediate SchoolUnits in UGBTotal UnitsEnrollment% Inside UGB Enrollment in UGB Enrollment Outside UGB Sevier Middle9,585 741100.0%7410 Robinson Middle10,838 753100.0%7530 Colonial Heights Middle4,9706,77457473.4%421153 Ketron Intermediate3,9976,66942159.9%252169 Sullivan Middle1,6002,89018655.4%10383 Holston Middle3,6356,86943252.9%229203 Subtotal City Middle 607 1,494 Subtotal County Middle/Intermediate 1,613 1,005608 TOTAL MIDDLE/INTERMEDIATE 2,220 2,499 Current City Capacity 1,600 -899

9 Middle/Intermediate* Between the city and county schools impacted by the Kingsport UGB, there are 3,107 middle/intermediate students City middle schools are operating at a net 93.4% capacity County middle/intermediate schools are operating at a net 68.6% capacity 1,005 county middle/intermediate students live inside Kingsport’s UGB Kingsport would need 1 additional 900-pupil city middle school to accommodate these students 608 county students would remain outside the Kingsport UGB attending schools with a functional capacity of 2,351 (or 25.8%) There is ample capacity between the 2 systems to accommodate all middle/intermediate students for the short and long-term future *Holston Middle is included in these calculations


11 Cumulative High Schools / UGB + Existing Zone HIGHEnrollment Functional Capacity 2017/18 Current Functional Capacity Future Functional Capacity Dobyns-Bennett (9-12)19071900?100.4%? Subtotal City19071900 100.4% South (9-12)1105157389470.3%56.8% North (8-12)866164173452.8%44.8% Subtotal County19713214162861.3%50.7% Subtotal City/County38785114 75.8% Central1058143783873.7%58.3% with Central49366551 75.3%

12 Kingsport UGB – High Schools High SchoolUnits in UGBTotal UnitsEnrollment% Inside UGB Enrollment in UGB Enrollment Outside UGB Dobyns-Bennett20,423 1,907100.0%1,9070 Sullivan South6,5709,6641,10568.0%751354 Sullivan North3,9976,66986659.9%519347 Sullivan Central3,63513,0691,05827.8%294764 Subtotal City High 1,907 Subtotal County High 3,029 1,5651,464 TOTAL HIGH SCHOOL 4,936 3,472 Current City High School Capacity 1,900 -1,572

13 High School* Between the city and county schools impacted by the Kingsport UGB, there are 4,936 high school students Dobyns-Bennett is operating at a net 100.4% capacity North, South and Central are operating at a net 65% capacity 1,565 county high school students live inside Kingsport’s UGB Kingsport would need an additional high school to accommodate these students 1,464 county high school students would remain outside the Kingsport UGB attending schools with a functional capacity of 4,651 (or 31%) There is ample capacity between the 2 systems to accommodate all high school students for the short and long-term future *Sullivan Central is included in these calculations

14 Summary* Elementary Kingsport City Schools are operating at a critical 90.1% capacity Sullivan County Schools (adjoining Kingsport UGB) are operating at 85% capacity Middle/Intermediate Kingsport City Schools are operating at a critical 93.4% capacity Sullivan County Schools (adjoining Kingsport UTB) are operating at 68.6% capacity High School Kingsport’s high school is operating at >100% capacity Sullivan County Schools (adjoining Kingsport UGB) are operating at 65% capacity There is ample capacity between the two systems to accommodate all short and long term needs Are there creative opportunities for the systems to cooperate towards a win-win for both? What would a cooperative solution look like? *Sullivan Central and Holston Middle are included in these calculations

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