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Presidential Madness 2015: "Presidents in Crisis" George Washington - Starting a New Nation James Madison - War of 1812 Abraham Lincoln - Civil War Woodrow.

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Presentation on theme: "Presidential Madness 2015: "Presidents in Crisis" George Washington - Starting a New Nation James Madison - War of 1812 Abraham Lincoln - Civil War Woodrow."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presidential Madness 2015: "Presidents in Crisis" George Washington - Starting a New Nation James Madison - War of 1812 Abraham Lincoln - Civil War Woodrow Wilson - WWI Franklin Roosevelt - WWII John F. Kennedy - Cuban Missile Crisis George W. Bush - September 11th Eisenhower - Little Rock Nine Truman - WWII (Bomb or not to bomb) Clinton - Monica

2 East Wing (Go First on 12-4) East Wing Debate #1 (Go Second12-4) East Wing Debate #2 (12-11) East Wing Semi-Finals East Wing Champion Debate West Wing Champion for the title on 12-16

3 West Wing West Wing Debate #1 (Go First on 12-3) West Wing Debate #2 (Go Second on 12-3) West Wing Semi-Finals (12-10) West Wing Champion Debate East Wing Champion for the title on 12-16

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