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Capacity Building with SAS Day 4 June 6, 2011. Housekeeping Cell phones Rest rooms Side bars Breaks Lunch 11:30-12:30 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Capacity Building with SAS Day 4 June 6, 2011. Housekeeping Cell phones Rest rooms Side bars Breaks Lunch 11:30-12:30 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Capacity Building with SAS Day 4 June 6, 2011

2 Housekeeping Cell phones Rest rooms Side bars Breaks Lunch 11:30-12:30 2

3 Hey, that’s me!!! On an index card, 1. Write a very general statement about yourself. i.e. I teach English 2. Write a less general statement about yourself. i.e. I have two children 3. Write a specific statement that could only apply to you. i.e. I went to Europe last summer 4. Write your name on your card… Copyright ©2010 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 3

4 Titan Pad 4

5 Keystone Commons Copyright ©2010 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 5

6 Your Feedback is Important ! Copyright ©2010 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 6

7 The Content Met Expectations: 4 – 33% 3- 37%2 – 4% 1 – 4% Handouts/materials were helpful: 4 – 48% 3- 44 % 2 – 4% 1 – 4% Variety of teaching strategies/techniques : 4 –48 % 3- 45% 2 – 7% 1 – 4% Overall rating: 4 – 15% 3- 67%2 – 7% 1 – 4% Copyright ©2010 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 7 Day 2 (out of 27)

8 Feedback: DAY 2 Copyright ©2010 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 8 DAY 2: The Classroom Diagnostic Tool Bigger RoomHere we are.. Explore the tool Break-Out - It would be helpful to see the tool Break-Out - More CDT with the actual live tool Break-Out More interactive, less direct instruction More discussion time Action More time for discussion within groups Planning More team planning time Team More collaborative time with my district team Time

9 The Content Met Expectations: 4 – 58% 3- 26%2 – 16% Handouts/materials were helpful: 4 – 74% 3- 26% Variety of teaching strategies/techniques: 4 – 68% 3- 31% Overall rating: 4 – 68% 3- 26%2 – 5% Copyright ©2010 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 9 Day 3 (out of 22)

10 Feedback: DAY 3 Copyright ©2010 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 10 Power Strips ready before you get here!Ok Log in info on board No Problemo More “Play Time” with CMT Break-Out Less time with CMT Break-Out Smaller groups with more one-on-one assistance Good-Idea More focus on best practice, rather than what districts do More discussion time Action More time for discussion within groups Planning More team planning time Team More collaborative time with my district team Time Fewer classroom type activities More didactic instruction More directed practice time Break-Out More application to content areas as far as using the SAS website Hmmmm...

11 Feedback: GOOGLE.DOC Copyright ©2010 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 11 GOOGLE.DOC FEEDBACK Break-Out Action planning/Team Time No Problemo Classroom Diagnostic Tool (CDT) Break-Out - Learning more about how to use the CDT Break-Out Common Core - CDT!, CDTs, CDT implementation plan. Investigating the CMT Break-Out - Explore Voluntary Model Curriculum Maps (VMCM ) Break-Out - Investigating ELA Standards

12 Today’s Goals Goals for Today’s Capacity Building  Wrapping Up Our Reading  Break-Out Sessions -Curriculum Mapping Tool - Classroom Diagnostic Tool (A) - Classroom Diagnostic Tool (B) - Common Core  Action Planning Team Time 12

13 Book Study Wrapping Up Our Reading….. 13

14 Reading Assignments: 1’s – Chapter 8 2’s – Chapter 9 3’s – Chapter 10 4’s – Chapter 11 5’s – Chapter 12 Copyright ©2010 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 14 Book Study

15 1’s through 5’s share with each other Copyright ©2010 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 15

16 Book Study Please respond to the prompts individually and then be ready to share your thinking. Copyright ©2010 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 16

17 Book Study 1. As a table, list the 5 top “take-aways” on the provided chart paper. 2. Be ready to share. Copyright ©2010 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 17

18 Differentiated Professional Development Stay in the room: -Begin team collaboration Or leave the room: - Attend a break-out session Copyright ©2010 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 18

19 ACTION PLANNING TEMPLATE Copyright ©2010 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 19 To Guide Your Planning… Action Planning Template

20 Break Out Sessions -Curriculum Mapping Tool RM 101 - Classroom Diagnostic Tool (A) RM 104 - Classroom Diagnostic Tool (B) RM 105 - Common Core RM 109 Copyright ©2010 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 20

21 TEAM TIME…. The data indicated that the #1 best use of your time was to provide district collaboration. Copyright ©2010 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 21

22 Evaluations 22 Please….. complete the Evaluation located at

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