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.  Mark Twain & Charles Warner wrote the Gilded Age  Time of many marvels  “gilded age might sparkle, but beneath the surface lay corruption, poverty,

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2  Mark Twain & Charles Warner wrote the Gilded Age  Time of many marvels  “gilded age might sparkle, but beneath the surface lay corruption, poverty, crime, and differences in rich & poor…”

3  No matter how humble your origins, one can rise in society and go as far as your talents and commitment would take you  Horatio Alger – wrote “rags to riches’ novels

4  Herbert Spencer o Applied Darwinism theory of evolution & natural selection o Human society evolved through competition o Survival of the fittest o Paralleled economic doctrine of laissez-faire  Andrew Carnegie “Gospel of Wealth” o Philanthropy – great fortunes to further social progress

5  Portray people realistically  Edith Wharton – Pulitzer Prize “ The Age of Innocence”  Samuel Clemens Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

6 Movies, by John Sloan, 1913, the most talented artist among the so-called Ashcan realist school of painting. Active in socialist and bohemian circles, Sloan served as art editor for The Masses magazine for several years. His work celebrated the vitality and diversity of urban working-class life and leisure, including the new commercial culture represented by the motion picture. SOURCE:John Sloan,Movies, 1913.Oil painting.The Toledo Museum of Art.

7 One of the finest American painters of the period, known for realistic depictions of physical exertion in amateur athletics, Thomas Eakins here turned his attention to the commercial baseball park. The batter and catcher appear as well-poised athletes, dignified in their dress and manner—everything that the baseball player of the late nineteenth century was not very likely to be. SOURCE:Thomas Eakins,Baseball Players, 1875.Watercolor.The Rhode Island School of Design Museum of Art (36.172).

8  Saloon – served as political centers  Coney Island – New York amusement park  Sports – baseball, basketball, golf, boxing o Cincinnati Red Stockings – first salaried baseball team  Vaudeville – fast moving acts/shows  Ragtime music o Scott Joplin – most important African-American ragtime composer o “King of Ragtime” o “The Maple Leaf Rag”

9 Preview File name: aich19_01.jpg Title: The New Fad, 1886 Caption: As workers made more money—and as more leisure time became available—Americans began to acquire non-essential items of material culture. This well-dressed couple is displaying for the photographer their 1886-model bicycle for two. Their choice of background is the South Portico of the White House, Washington, DC, and may indicate that this is a souvenir of a visit to the city. Library of Congress

10  rc&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active rc&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active  ode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active ode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active

11  Henry George Progress and Poverty o Single tax on unearned wealth on land prices o Make society more equal  Edward Bellamy Looking Backward 2000-1887 o Notion of a perfect society o Government owns all industry and shares wealth equally  Naturalism o Failure simply because of circumstances they could not control

12  Social Gospel movement o better conditions based on biblical ideals  Salvation Army o Practical aide and religious counseling to urban poor  Young Men’s Christian Association o Help on temporary basis  Jane Addams – Hull House o Settlement houses in poor neighborhoods

13 A portrait of the young Jane Addams, probably taken around the time she founded Hull House in Chicago, in 1889.

14  Americanization o Assimilate immigrants into American culture  Morrill Land Grant o Land grants to states for establishing agricultural & mechanical colleges  Tuskegee Institute o Founded by Booker T. Washington o Learn farming or a trade  Public Libraries o Money donated by Carnegie

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