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Chinese New Year Webquest. Have you ever wondered...... the differences between New Year and Chinese New Year?

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Presentation on theme: "Chinese New Year Webquest. Have you ever wondered...... the differences between New Year and Chinese New Year?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chinese New Year Webquest

2 Have you ever wondered...... the differences between New Year and Chinese New Year?

3 ... about Chinese New Year customs?

4 ... about Chinese New Year festivals ?

5 ... about Chinese New Year foods

6 ...about Chinese New Year sayings? 過年的吉祥話 1. 新年快樂 xīn nián kuài lè 2. 恭喜發財 gōng xǐ fā cái 3. 年年有餘(魚) nián nián yǒu yú 4. 恭賀新禧 gōng hè xīn xǐ 5. 財源滾滾 cái yuán gŭn gŭn 6. 大吉大利 dà jí dà lì 7. 步步高升 bù bù gāo shēng 8. 事事如意 shì shì rú yì 9. 吉祥如意 jí xiáng rú yì 10. 心想事成 xīn xiăng shì chéng 11. 萬事如意 Wàn shì rú yì 12. 新春如意 xīn chūn rú yì 13. 闔家平安 hé jiā ping ān 14. 鴻圖大展 hóng tú dà zhăn 15. 五福臨門 wŭ fú lín mén 16. 一元復始,萬象更新 yì yuán fù shǐ , wàn xiàng gēng xīn 17. 歲歲(碎碎)平安 suì suì ping ān (過年打破東西時說的)

7 Let's find out! 1. Interview a Chinese native speaker about customs where they live, as well as their own customs. Example questions: -What is a Hong Bao? -Do you usually receive Hong Bao? 2. Research more about what you learned from the native speaker. Find pictures that best illustrate what you learn about customs,traditions, foods, and festivals. 3.Then create a postcard and write it to a friend or family member who doesn't know anything about what you have learned. Use an online postcard making application, for example: 4. Report on your findings and present your postcard to the class. See attached handout for grading rubric and criteria.

8 Division of responsibilities: For each group... Interview a native speaker: two students Research specific topics online: two student Find pictures online: one student Learn postcard making software: one student Everyone writes their own messages on postcards!

9 Possible websites to check What is Chinese New Year? Chinese New Year: 2011 Food, decorations, taboos and superstitions: html new-year-food.htm

10 新年快乐!

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