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Writing Inquiry Collaboration Organization Reading.

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2 Writing Inquiry Collaboration Organization Reading

3 EQ: How can students use the structured writing form to allow the teacher to quickly check for understanding?

4 3-Point One Paragraph, Three Sentences 5-Point One Paragraph, Five Sentences Thesis Evidence Evidence, Compare/Contrast, Application, etc. Conclusion

5 Timesaver Keeps Students On Point Reinforces the Need for Evidence

6 Teacher Story Elbow Partners About Me

7 Katie loves the outdoors. Last June she was excited to hike five different trails. For her birthday Katie had a barbecue at the beach where everyone played volleyball.

8 Slavery was a divisive issue in America. The south depended on slavery as a part of their agricultural economy but the industrial north had a larger population and did not see the need for slavery to expand. As the United States expanded west during the 19 th century arguments and fighting about free and slave territories ensued. Kansas was an example that the issue of slavery could result in a bloodbath when illegal voting and fighting began in 1855. Ultimately, slavery was one of the major issues that led to the American Civil War.

9 Above and beyond Primary Source Analysis Bookwork Timeline Tests Ticket out


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